I stepped further into the room. “Why don’t you two take a load off and tell us where you found the kid and more about this guy, so we can catch up with that motherfucker?” I asked.
Tania took in a tight breath, her gaze landing on me. “Hey.”
A slight smile curled my lips. “Tania. Been a long while.”
Grace stiffened, her lips pursing.
“Yeah.” Tania’s voice was low, her eyes darting to my president’s patch.
We stood there, taking each other in, maybe not knowing what to say, but hell, we didn’t have to say anything. It was good to see her again. Real good.
Jill and the baby reemerged from a side hallway. Two bags were slung over Jill’s shoulders, Becca in her arms.
“Where you going?” Catch hollered after her.
“Are you joking? I am out of here, once and for all. I am so done. Done!” Jill yelled.
“Babe, come on now. It’s over,” said Catch.
“Over? It’s never over!” Jill let out a shrill laugh.
Catch shook his head. This was a well-rehearsed script between these two for months now. “You need time to settle down? Take it. Nothing’s over, though.”
“For God’s sake, Catch! Let’s be real for a change. This has been over since before Becca was born. But I stuck it out. You were supposed to be watching your daughter while I was at work. You! But no! Instead, you had one of your whores doing it while you were out. Unbelievable. I’m getting out of here, out of this shithole town, and—”
“And where you gonna go?” Catch dug his hands into his hips.
“Yeah?” he prodded.
“Why don’t you come home with me?” Tania’s sharp voice demanded consideration. Jill spun around and faced Tania, her lips parted.
There she goes again, reaching out and helping someone she doesn’t even know.
“Sounds like a plan,” I said.
Catch’s eyes hardened. “To Meager?”
“Why not?” Tania said to her brother. “There’s plenty of room at Ma’s house, and she could use the company once she gets out of the rehab center. She was just saying how she wanted to get to know her granddaughter. I’m living at the house now, too, helping her out, but someone needs to be with her full time.” She turned to Jill. “If you’re up for that sort of thing, that is.”
Tania was living in Meager now?
Catch had mentioned that their mother had recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Suddenly, Meager was full of people I knew.
“Are you up for that sort of thing? Helping out with my mom and all?” Tania asked Jill.
“Yes, I am. Oh my God! Yes! Thank you.” Jill practically jumped up and down.
Catch’s face hardened. He didn’t like the idea too much.
Jill and Catch hadn’t been getting along for months now. She was unhappy, had accused him of cheating, and he had cheated on her. He didn’t know which end was up and couldn’t keep up. Their daughter was the only thing attaching them, but they’d become a worn out rubber band, loose and frayed, ragged, but still holding on. You stay together for the child, but you’re still unhappy. Still bitching and miserable. Wasn’t that going to stain your child? Make her miserable too? What the hell was the point of all that?
“Sounds like a fine plan,” I said.
Catch glanced at me. He was worried, pissed off. He shot his girlfriend a harsh look. “How am I gonna keep you safe when you’re not here?”
“Like you kept us safe before? Give me a break!” Jill said, wiping at her face.