“I’ll take that as a no. Shame. What do you got to offer me, though, other than potentially clean white grout and shiny tile?” I asked him.
He shook his hair out of his face. “Anything you want. Whatever you need. I’m a quick study.”
He held my gaze, his brown eyes unwavering. All eagerness and sincerity. Maybe what he needed was the right direction for a change.
“Other than getting bored easy, you got any disabilities, quirks that would affect your work performance?”
“No quirks, not really, except for enthusiasm.”
“Being a prospect, you’re on call 24/7. Participation is mandatory at all functions, no exceptions. Club comes first before all things, even your dick, maybe even your mommy.”
“Right, understood.”
I gestured at the decked out Shovelhead chopper a few yards behind him. “That your bike?”
“Yeah. Got it last year.”
“You got a trust fund maybe?”
“No, not me. I got a brain, and I use it to get what I want, and I wanted that bike. The previous owner placed it in a bet. Owed someone else a lot of money. I swooped in and won it fair and square.”
“You come by in an hour. That toothbrush will be ready for you.” I strode toward my bike, giving him a final look.
A grin broke across his face. “Yes!”
“I’m calling about your brother.”
“Drew? What about Drew?” Tania’s voice grew higher. “Is he okay? Is he in trouble?”
“He’s been with me for a few months.”
Silence. A sharp exhale of breath. “What does that mean exactly?” she asked.
“He came to me on his own. Wants to be a Flame.”
“You’re joking.”
“Would I call you to joke?”
“No, you wouldn’t.”
“I don’t know if he’s told you, he doesn’t talk about his family, but I wanted you to hear it from me that he’s getting patched in. Didn’t want you to think I set out and recruited him, targeted him on purpose.”
“Okay. I don’t know if I should say thank you or be careful.”
I laughed.
“Look, he’s been quite the anarchist since high school. My mom’s real upset about his brushes with the law the past few years.”
“He’s proven himself a solid worker, capable. It’s going up for a vote next week.”
“Good luck to the both of you,” Tania murmured.
“You mad?”
“I don’t know. No. You might be just what he needs. You run a tight ship from the little I know. My mom and sister are going to freak, of course. Are you still vice-president?”