Yes, home. A home I’d created. A home I was responsible for. Me.
This was for the best.
Then why did it burn so much?
Winter faded, spring passed through,summer conquered in all its heat-filled heady glory. I rode every day without fail. I kept busy on jobs, on charity runs, on looking out for the prospects.
I was in Minneapolis for a meeting of the Midwestern chapters, representing our region. I’d called Tania a few days before, and she’d agreed to meet me. I was at my pow wow all day, and she was at some museum. We met at a motel in the afternoon. I had to be back at the local chapter’s clubhouse for the big shindig before me and Drac left the next day.
Tania passed me the roach, and I took a deep drag on the last of it. “Did you like that?”
“What exactly?” She raised her head up off the bed. “The weed or your cock gymnastics?”
“The weed. Take some home with you.”
“That is damned good happy green.”
“It is. You never take any home with you.”
“I like doing it with you. I don’t want to do it on my own or share it. Then they’d ask me where I got it, and I’d have to admit that I know an outlaw, and that’s a well guarded secret by me and my snatch.”
I dropped what was left of the roach in the empty beer can by the bed. “You need any cash?”
She raised herself up on her elbows, shooting me a frown.
“Don’t give me that look. I want to help you if you need help. I like helping you. I happen to have cash this month, I’d like to use it for a good reason.”
She gazed up at the ceiling. “I appreciate that, but it’s okay. Really.”
“You found a new job yet?”
“I’m hostessing at this fancy restaurant now. I just got a raise as I’m the only one who can function at seven a.m. for the business breakfast crowd. I can remember names and faces, make introductions, be cheery, and keep those tables moving.”
“You should work for me.”
She let out a laugh and rolled on her side, facing me, her head propped up on her hand. “Hey, what happened with Gloria? Last time we saw each other, you said you were going to—”
I shrugged. “Yeah, I did. Then I got rid of her.”
“You already ditched your first old lady? Finger!”
“She was in my shit all the time.”
“If you’re in a relationship with someone, that’s how it is, from what I can remember. They’re in your shit, and you’re in theirs.”
“Don’t like it.”
She turned over on the bed. “You’re impossible.” Her tone was quiet this time, not the usual sarcastic.
“Hey.” I touched the curve of her lower back, and she immediately looked up at me. I didn’t usually touch her much after we’d finish. “What is it?” I whispered.
“I only wish you felt bad,” she said.
“About what?”
“About anything!” Tania flopped onto her back. “I wish you felt something. That you felt bad for breaking up with Gloria. That you felt bad for ditching Donna last year and cheating on her with me. That you felt anything, for fuck’s sake!” She raised her voice.