Page 6 of Northern Stars

“Four, five, six.” I pointed toward the sky.

We got up to thirty-four before Hailee turned toward me. Her eyes didn’t look as sad, which made my eyes feel less sad, too.

“You punched Kevin for me,” she whispered.


“You know what that means, right? It means we have to be friends now.” She turned back to stare at the sky and pointed up. “Thirty-five.”

“You already counted that star.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“You did.”





“We’re friends now, so you have to agree with me sometimes. Like it or not, that’s what friends do.”

I grumbled and rolled my eyes, then pointed at the sky at the same star Hailee was pointing toward. “Thirty-five.”



Twelve Years Old

I was famous.


Sure, some people probably thought that sounded dramatic, but what could I say? I was dramatic. And famous.

Did I mention how famous I’d become? Soon enough, I’d have a bodyguard following me around.

“Did you see the commercial?” I asked Hailee as we stood at the bus stop waiting to be picked up for school.

Recently, I landed my first acting commercial as a walking taco, and I was convinced that I was as famous as anyone could ever get at that point.

Hailee was grinning ear to ear, holding the straps of her backpack tightly. “My parents recorded it and played it repeatedly last night. You’re famous.”

I smirked and patted her two afro puffs. “If you want, I can give you my autograph later.”

“That’s okay. That would mean you would have to spell your name, and I know spelling isn’t your strong point. Or reading. I’m actually surprised you were able to read the script.”

“I had no lines in the commercial, so that made it easier.”

“That makes sense, actually.”

One thing about my best friend was that she was going to sass me. Yup, that was right. Over the past few years, the girl I grew up hating became my very best friend. We’d spent the past two years counting the stars between our two homes.

When we got to school, though, it was the opposite of that. Instead of people thinking I was some acting genius, they were mocking me, saying my dancing made it look like I was humping the bus in the commercial. They also called me the worst actor in the world.