I worried about that sometimes, too. To combat my loneliness, I stayed later at work some nights, spent hours in the gym, or playedCall of Dutywith people from around the world. You hadn’t lived a worthy life until a fifteen-year-old in Canada called you a fucking cock sucking little prick bitch after midnight.
I hoped they didn’t kiss their mothers with those filthy mouths.
“I promise,” I swore. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have called you.”
“Language, Connor,” she scolded.
I downed my whiskey. “Sorry, Mom.”
“I have to go, sweetie. Danny is picking me up for a late date.”
I sat up straighter in my chair. “Wait. Danny? Who’s Danny?!”
“Oh honey, I can’t talk now. I love you; we’ll talk soon! I’ll call you tomorrow. Kisses!” And with that, she hung up.
Who the hell was Danny?
Within seconds, I was shooting off a text to Jax down in Kentucky. Even though I’d moved to New York, he was one of my closest friends in the whole world. I knew he’d be able to help me figure out what was going on.
Connor:Who the hell is Danny?
Jax:Good to hear from you, too.
Connor:Sorry. Hi, Jax. How’s Kennedy? How are the kids? How’s the weather? Who the fuck is Danny?!
Jax:Language, Connor.
Connor:Yeah, yeah, yeah. My mom said she has a date with Danny. Who is this guy?
Jax:Unlike every other person in this small town, I stay out of other people’s business.
Connor:My mom can’t be out there dating jerks.
Jax:Danny isn’t a jerk.
Connor:So you do know him! Tell me everything. I’m gonna call you.
Jax:Don’t call me, Connor. I hate talking on the phone.
Connor:Even with your bestie?
Jax:You’re not my bestie.
Connor:Your sense of humor doesn’t come off as well as it should via text.
Connor:Tell me one detail about this Danny guy and I’ll leave you alone.
Connor:On my mother.
Jax:Fine. He’s a hardworking employee.
Connor:What?! This guy works for you?! What in the land of betrayal is that?!
Jax:Listen, it’s not my fault he met your mom when she brought some of her baked goods to me at a landscaping job. It just so happened Danny was there with me, and he liked her baked goods.