Then he’s out.

I lie back on the bed and retrieve my phone.

Usually, I do that only to find out if Annika has sent me any texts. She’s the type who likes to take pictures of all the little things she encounters in her daily life and send them over with ‘Isn’t this so cute?’ or ‘I wish I could take this home with me.’

They’re typically cats or dogs or any small creature.

So imagine my surprise when I find no text from her in the past…two hours.

Now, that’s rare.

Normally, she’d be demanding a date or she’d lure me in for a conversation.

Not tonight.

I scroll to the group chat that Remi insists I stay part of. I mute them whenever they start blowing up my phone with notifications.

Remington:Who wants to partyyy?

Eli:Don’t throw it in the house and you can do whatever you want.

Remington:But why? I have privileges in the house.

Eli:Not unless you want to put your balls in jeopardy.

Remington:Bloody hell, mate, no threatening the family jewels. I have a title that I need to keep alive.

Landon:You can always go to a club.

Remington:Be right back. Let me go get my spawn.

Brandon:Creighton’s sleeping.

Remington:Never stopped me before.

Brandon:Don’t wake him up. If you need someone to go with you, I will.

Remington:Awe, I just got tears in my eyes. I knew you were my favorite, Bran.

Remington:Don’t tell Cray Cray.

Landon:@Creighton King

Remington:I’m going to fucking kill you.

What the hell did Landon want me to see? Remi being a clown? Or the fact that he’s out to shag and has successfully dragged Bran along as a sidekick?

A notification appears at the top.

Landon:Forgot you’re a hermit.

Attached is a screenshot from Remington’s Instagram.

He’s posted a selfie where Ava, Cecily, and Annika are standing between him and Bran. And he has an arm around Annika’s shoulders as they smile brightly.

My favorite party people. Join us?

My fingers clench around the phone and wildfire spreads across my chest as I continue to look at her. And Remi’s arm around her bare shoulders, since she’s wearing a strapless dress.