“Are you not going to hunt anymore?” I ask.

“You distracted me. How are you going to take the responsibility for my losing?”

“I didn’t ask you to leave everyone else and follow me.”

“I couldn’t just let a stray little rabbit roam free. Besides, the urge is gone.”


“The one I need to satiate with some form of stimuli. Usually, I’d be all in for the hunt, but today…you were surprisingly enough. Is that interesting or what?”

No, it’s downright horrifying. I don’t want to be his fixation or the catalyst to his madness.

I just don’t.

My fingers shake and I rub a palm on the side of my shorts.

“What did I say about that habit?”

My movement comes to a halt and I let my hands fall to my sides. Night has fallen and the dark stakes its claim, casting a nefarious energy over the forest. Under different circumstances, this would be a dreamy date.

With Killian, however, it feels like an episode ofHannibal. There’s always a fifty percent chance he’ll jump me and snuff out my life.

“Has anyone told you that you’re a tyrant?”

“You’re the first.”

“Guess they don’t see this side of you, then.”

“This side?”

“The controlling, oppressive side.”

“They do. It’s just more subtle with them. I don’t need to make that effort with you.”

“Because I’m easy prey?”

“Because you’re already acquainted with my type. It’d be a waste of resources and energy to try and fool you.”

The meaning behind his words hits me. He doesn’t have to hide in my presence.

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Being special to a borderline psychopath is about the worst position I could be in.

Yet, my chest swells at the thought that he has no need to hide in front of me.

I can trust that I’ll always see his uncut version. No matter how twisted or barren, it’ll always be true.

Even when he had the neon red mask on, he remained out in the open, not once attempting to hide.

“Should I celebrate the fact that I’m the only one you don’t feel the need to fool?”

“As long as your celebration ends with me between your legs, by all means.”

“Bloody prick.”

“Didn’t I say your cursing turns me on? Might want to tone down that a little unless you’re in the mood for round two of sucking my cock.”

“Is there anything that doesn’t turn you on?”