Cal laughed again and handed her a dagger. 'Back to back,' he said, as the remaining three men circled.

Fyia knew the odds weren't good, and the men seemed not to know who either of them were, which was both a blessing and a curse. If they'd known, at least the men would be less likely to kill them.

One attacked, then the other two in unison, two going for Cal while the first lunged for Fyia. Fyia spun away, running for the tree line, ducking behind a tree before her attacker could catch her. He circled the tree, lunging this way and that, laughing at her strangled cries every time she had to switch direction.

Fyia's heart nearly burst with terror. And then something hard caught her in the chest—his rope—winding her so thoroughly she bent double, gasping for breath. The man yanked her back by her hair, Fyia working desperately to get air into her lungs.

He laughed in her face. 'Not so fearsome now,' he said, his breath stinking of stale beer and dead things. She fought the urge to wretch as he pulled her arms behind her, turning her to face where Cal still fought near the entrance to the temple.

Cal whirled this way and that, his movements fluid and precise. He was terrifying, more so even than Edu, and Fyia's mouth fell open as she watched. 'Watch him die,' the man said into her ear, then transferred her wrists into one large hand and grabbed her breast with the other.

Fyia didn't move, her body rigid, giving him none of the fight he so clearly wanted. She willed Cal on, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief as he felled one with a deft, lightning-fast stab of his sword. But it took him a moment to retrieve his weapon, and the other man was behind him, attacking with terrible ferocity.

Fyia summoned her magic—all she possessed. She knew not how to wield it properly, and most times she'd tried, it had ended in disaster. But now disaster would most likely ensue if she didn't use it, and she couldn't lose Cal. So she sent a torrent of power at the man, charging him, willing it to stab the attacker over and over, seeking any organ vital for life.

The man fondling her gasped and let go of her breast, gaping at the remains of his three comrades. He took out his knife and turned his eyes to Fyia, a fury there so primal she dove to the ground without thought, screaming Cal's name.

But before Cal could do so much as turn in her direction, a deafening roar filled the air, and Fyia's attacker hit a tree with such force, the cracking sound must have been the breaking of his bones.

An enormous, ferocious bear stood over the man, then tore the man's head from his body as though he were a rag doll. Fyia shivered at the raw display of power, then scrambled to her feet and rushed for Cal. Part of her knew this was his bear … could feel her own connection to it … but it was unlike any Cruaxee bond she'd had before. If she told the bear to stop, it would not heed her, and if it attacked Fyia, there would be nothing she could do.

Cal pulled her into an embrace. 'Are you hurt?'

'I'm fine,' she said, wishing she could shake off the feel of the disgusting man's hand. 'Are you … you're bleeding!'

'It's nothing,' he said. He showed her a shallow slash across his forearm, and she was glad to see he was telling the truth.

His bear strode out of the trees, and Cal put his hand on the animal's head, scratching behind her ear. Fyia smiled, but was tentative. The bear was colossal, taller than Fyia, and able to swipe her aside in a blink.

The bear lowered her muzzle to Fyia, snuffled her, then butted her, forcing her back a pace. Fyia knew better than to show fear, so she recovered her footing and stepped forward, reaching out a hand, holding it to the side of the bear's face. The bear waited for a beat, then rubbed her face against Fyia's palm. Fyia scratched, and the bear eagerly pressed into her touch.

'Careful,' said Cal, 'or she'll follow you around, expecting you to do that for turns on end.'

'Seeing as she just saved my life, I am in her debt …'

'As I am in yours,' he said, questioning eyes fixed on Fyia. 'It's no secret you're magic-touched, but I must admit, I wondered if the rumors were true …'

'Because I don’t display it every chance I get?' said Fyia, bitterness lacing her words.

He waited a beat, watching her closely. 'Because using magic in your kingdoms will likely get you killed … or at least, that's how it used to be, but the same is not true in my lands. If I were you, I would have used magic from the moment I crossed the border. I wouldn't want to hide my talent.'

Fyia exhaled a laugh. She hadn't even thought of using magic, nor had she known she was allowed. Her magic was unwieldy and willful … dangerous. She'd had accidents almost every time she'd reached for it—not that she'd had a teacher—so she'd tramped it down and kept it locked away for years, never even thinking of letting it out. The idea of doing so now scared her. She couldn't bear the thought of hurting someone, and if she hurt someone like Cal … It would cause a diplomatic incident. That wouldn't be fair to her people.

'What's funny?' said Cal.

'I used my magic because it was the only way to save you. If I hadn't, you would probably have died. So if my magic had accidentally killed you, no matter. That's the level oftalentI'm working with.'

Cal nodded slowly, his bear demanding scratches from him now. 'You never had lessons?'

'Who would have taught me?'

Cal shrugged. 'I thought maybe you had access to the Fae'ch … your brother …'

'My brother's magic is even more unpredictable than mine,' she said hotly. 'He struggled to keep it on a leash and left because of it. He hoped the Fae'ch could help him.'

'You never asked them to help you?'

Fyia fixed Cal with a scathing look. 'I don't know what your relationship is like with the Fae'ch, but in my experience, they help no one unless it’s in their own interests.'