'You'd prefer our Queen to hand the Kingdom of Sea Serpents to the Emperor without a fight?' said Starfall, her lips curling into a snarl. This woman had no right to be here, on Fyia's Small Council. She was a coward.

'There is a very simple solution to all this,' said Venir, looking bored as he lounged back in his chair.

It took great effort for Starfall to keep her expression neutral … he was like a dog with a bone. 'I couldn't begin to guess your meaning,' she said sarcastically.

'If the Queen were to marry the Emperor, we would have a neat and tidy resolution,' said Venir.

'You'd hand over not just Sea Serpent, but all of the Five Kingdoms to a man we know so little about?' said the Spider.

'We know plenty about him,' said Venir, 'and he was perfectly reasonable when I visited his Empire.'

'You met him for no more than a score and a span,' said the Spider, 'and my spies do not agree with your analysis.'

'Your spies are overly dramatic …'

'Stop,' said Starfall. 'There is little point in our discussing this. The Queen will do as she pleases, regardless of the voices at this table.'

'Then she condemns us not only to war with the Empire, but continued unrest among her own people,' said Nara. 'Marriage is the only solution that avoids bloodshed.'

'Sometimes bloodshed is necessary,' said Starfall, pointedly.

'Maybe if the unrest was inyourhome kingdom, you would think differently,' said Venir.

Starfall snorted. 'I doubt that. Has Essa made progress with the airships?'

'She has,' said the Spider. 'We have sent many carpenters, and I believe they have begun production.'

'Good,' said Starfall. 'Then send an airship to retrieve the Queen from the north, so we may discover her opinions firsthand.'

Cal woke the following morning—what he assumed was the morning, given they had no way of telling the time—to find he'd rolled onto his back in the night. Fyia was on top of him, her cheek resting against the muscles of his chest, his cock hard and pressing into her stomach.

He had to get away before he did something he would regret … something that could jeopardize the future of his people. For no matter how much he wanted her, his people would always come first, and Fyia didn't seem keen on marrying any time soon.

Why was he even thinking about marriage?Hewasn't keen on marrying any time soon. Although, if he were to take a wife, she was the most suitable candidate in all the known world … aside from the Emperor's daughter. But there was no way in the Seven Hells he would give the Emperor access to the Black Hoods' lands. He probably shouldn't entertain letting the Queen of the Five Kingdoms get her hands on them either …

Cal began to ease himself out from underneath her, but she gripped his side, stopping him in an instant. She slid a hand to his groin and grasped him through the fabric of his breeches. He exhaled in surprise, but didn't move, waiting to see what ill-advised thing she would do next.

She freed him, then took him in her hand, and he groaned, pressing his head back against the ground. He should stop her, but he hadn't shared a bed with anyone in … since before he'd become King. His people wouldn't take kindly to him whoring, and he had no intention of marrying any of the women from his town. Which meant, aside from a tryst here or there with a travelling actor, musician, or stall holder …

'Fyia,' he breathed, as she squeezed, then pumped up and down. 'Warrior…'

'She won't help you,' she laughed, then lowered her head and licked the length of his shaft.

He bucked. 'Gods, Fyia, I …' He could barely think straight.

She did it again, then covered the tip with her mouth, sucking gently. 'Goddess,' he groaned. The feel of her around him nearly undid him, and then she took him deeper, bobbing her head so he hit the back of her throat.

He growled and slid a hand into her hair, and she hummed, the sensation sending vibrations through him that had him lifting his hips off the floor. She lifted her eyes to meet his, licking him again, flicking the underside of his cock with her tongue.

'You want me to stop?' she said, trailing her fingers up and down.

He couldn't form words, so he shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.

She pumped her hand, cupping his balls with the other, and he was done, choking her name as he spent himself over her fingers, which stroked him until the last spasm.

His head dropped back to the ground, and even though he knew he should have stopped her, he couldn't bring himself to regret it. He wanted her more than he'd ever wanted another. Some part of her called to him. Maybe it was because they were the same—fire-touched, with a Cruaxee, the King and Queen of their lands—or maybe it was simpler, that they just … fit.

'Fyia …' he said, as he tried to still his racing heart.