'Wait,' he hissed, then the sound of something dropping filled her ears. Not just one something, but lots of somethings, hitting the sandy ground in a series of impacts. 'Close your eyes, and cover your mouth and nose.'
She did as she was told, clamping her eyes shut, and pressing her face into the hood of his cloak. A screeching noise filled the air. It started close, then moved away to the other side of the room, until silence fell once more.
'Okay,' he said, releasing her. 'Are you alright?'
Fyia nodded, although he probably couldn't see her in the dusty gloom.
'This time, don't move,' he growled. He stepped back into the tunnel and retrieved the torch he'd thrown there. She wanted to ask what had happened … why he hadn't pushed her back into the tunnel too, but didn't. There was probably a reason, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know how close she'd brought them both to death.
Cal turned his attention to the far side of the room once more. 'There,' he said under his breath, so Fyia only just caught the word. He shuffled a few paces to his right, then handed the torch to Fyia. 'Put it in the ring,' he said, then stepped out into the void. But instead of falling to the ground, his foot landed on something, and he stood suspended in mid-air.
'Goddess,' she said, inching forward.
'Don't you dare.' Cal held out a hand. 'Stay there. I will be back in a few moments with the egg.'
'But …'
'It's dragon glass,' he said. 'Extremely difficult to see, especially in this light.'
Fyia nodded. Now she knew what she was looking for, she could see it under his feet.
'Do not move, or we're both dead,' he said. He looked her in the eye with such force, she knew he wasn't exaggerating.
Fyia nodded and backed up against the wall. 'I won't,' she said, her heart in her mouth as he took step after careful step across the glass.
Fyia couldn’t see what Cal did when he reached the far side, even when he lit another torch. She thought he might have reached into an alcove, then a metallic clicking filled the air, followed by a whirring, and finally a protesting squeak.
His silence spoke volumes, and she called, 'What is it? Have you got it? Tell me what you've found!'
'It's not here,' he called back, his words laced with disappointment and confusion.
'There's nothing at all? Are you sure?'
He turned, and she could sense his suspicious look more than see it.
'You knew?'
'Knew what? What's there?'
Cal pocketed whatever he held in his hand, then turned back across the walkway. Fyia held her breath, worried his anger would make him careless, his footsteps less precise than before.
Cal stepped onto the ledge and headed back into the tunnel. 'Cal! What did you find?' she asked, snatching up the torch.
He ignored her, striding out, so she had to jog to keep up with him.
'Cal!' she said again, irritation running hot in her veins.
He pushed the wall closed behind them, then headed deeper into the corridor. She grabbed his arm, spinning him to face her. 'What did you find?' she asked again, ignoring his murderous eyes.
'Did you know?'
'Know what?'
'That the egg wouldn't be there?'
'How could I have? Tell me what you found!' Her eyes dropped to his breeches, where she could see the bulge of an object in his pocket. She was tempted to reach for it, but knew he wouldn't react well if she did.
Cal made a furious growling sound, then pulled out a strange metal ball she wasn't surprised to see. He held it in the palm of his hand, but wouldn't hand it over.