His face contorted in mock outrage. 'You wound me,Your Majesty. I had all but planned our nuptials.'
She rolled her eyes. 'I'm sure.'
The music changed again, and the King's face split into a broad smile. It was alarming how quickly he morphed from very-pleasant-to-look-at into a thing of shocking beauty. Something in her own features must have betrayed that she'd noticed, because he leaned in close. 'Care to dance?' His words were a dangerous purr, little more than a whisper.
'No,' she said firmly. He had no qualms about using his looks as a weapon then … good to know. Did he think he was the first man who'd tried to sway her with a pretty face and easy flirtation? Or was he goading her? Or simply trying to cause her discomfort?
'Shame,' said the King. He stood and pushed away from the bar, his smile turning mischievous. He snagged the hand of a passing woman, and pulled her to the dancefloor. 'I suppose I should count myself lucky,' he said, loud enough for those around him to hear. 'They say east-kingdomers struggle to hold a beat …'
Fyia scoffed. 'An untruth my guards are amiably disproving,' she said. Four or five of her guards were merrily swinging each other around the floor, not to mention Rouel and his efforts on stage.
'Yes, you're right,' said the King. 'Maybe it's only the highborn of your lands who can't dance …'
Several of her bodyguard were highborn, but Fyia didn't give him the satisfaction of an answer. Instead she shrugged, as though he could be right, then turned back to her drink, not wishing to watch his no-doubt flawless movements.
Edu sat beside her. 'What a strange place this is,' he said.
'They have no regard for refinement, that's for sure,' said Fyia. 'Imagine if I hosted a royal guest in a tavern … my courtiers would have a fit!'
Edu chuckled. 'Starfall would approve.'
Fyia laughed. 'You're right, but I can't see Lord Venir warming to the idea.'
'Lord Venir will warm to no idea not of his own making, unless it is advantageous to him,' said Edu, darkly.
'Yes,' said Fyia, 'he will need to be replaced, but for now, I'm keeping my enemies close.' She took a sip of beer, having to force it down, fighting the urge to gag. 'By the Goddess, this stuff is truly foul,' she hissed.
Edu laughed again, but then faltered, a look of concern contorting his features. He quickly tasted her beer, and Fyia held her breath. 'It tastes like beer to me …' he said, some of the tension leaving his face.
'Well, I cannot drink it.'
'The King will be delighted,' said Edu. 'Another slight to use against you.'
Fyia scowled.
'But if you were to dance,' said Edu, 'and leave your beer unattended, I could not allow you to drink it upon your return.'
Fyia gave him a long look. 'The King wins either way.'
'What's worse? Dancing, or drinking beer?'
That was easy, for Fyia loved to dance. She did not love to drink beer. 'Come on then,' she said, grabbing Edu's hand.
'No, not with me!' said Edu. 'I'm your guard. I need to keep watch …'
'You can keep watch from the dancefloor. And don't argue, it's an order.'
Edu rolled his eyes. 'Of course, Your Majesty,' he said dryly, offering her his hand.
They took to the floor, and Edu punished her with spins so fast she almost lost her footing. Fyia laughed, her heart pumping wildly as they careered around the floor at a furious pace.
'Your Majesty,' said the King. He cut in so smoothly, Edu had little choice but to relinquish her.
'Your Majesty,' Fyia reluctantly replied.
'It would appear the rumors are untrue …'
'A great shock, I'm sure,' she said, her words dripping with sarcasm.