'But is that enough?' said Essa. She looked shocked she'd voiced her thought.

'We shall see,' said Fyia. 'Unless you have information to share with us on that score?'

'No,' said Essa, wringing her hands, 'and I … I suppose the legend says the Five Kingdoms must beunited, not that one ruler must rule them all.'

'Even if it is enough, the ruler must still beworthy,' said Starfall.

'Helpful,' said Sensis, dryly. 'Thank you for your contribution.'

Starfall flicked her fingers at Sensis.

'I am worthy,' said Fyia, her tone brusque and businesslike, 'and I will unite the kingdoms. I will find the dragons, and I will ride one for the rest of my days, not sit upon some gilded throne.'

'Assuming the dragon eggs still exist,' said Essa.

Fyia's eyes flicked to Essa's round face. She wasn't being antagonistic, but scientific, and Fyia sensed there was more to follow. 'Go on,' she said.

'You've visited the location of three out of five of the eggs,' said Essa, 'and all three eggs were gone.'

'Missing, yes,' said Fyia. 'Your point?'

'What if all the eggs are missing?' said Essa.

'Or were never there to begin with,' said Starfall.

'Or were destroyed,' said Essa.

'You can't destroy dragon eggs,' said Fyia, with a dismissive wave of her hand.

'Why do you say that?' said Essa.

'Because, how could you?' said Fyia. The dragons in her waking dreams endured temperatures hot enough to melt stone. The eggs would be the same, impossible to harm.

'So they must be somewhere?' said Essa. 'That's your theory? Even if they've all been taken from their hiding places.'

'Exactly,' said Fyia. 'It's just a case of finding where. But first, I must discover if the other two eggs are where they're supposed to be.'

'And while you're at it, you can sound out the Black Hoods, and the people of the Great Glacier,' said Edu, 'to see what it would take for them to join us.'

'Assuming anything will work,' said Starfall.

'Exactly, Edu,' said Fyia, ignoring her aunt. 'Two birds with one stone.'

'What do you require of us in your absence?' said the Spider.

'Selise is once more secure,' said Fyia. 'I'd like you and Starfall to keep it that way, and assess the damage, so we can rebuild.'

'The rebels quickly disappeared when my soldiers entered the city,' said Sensis. 'I will leave soldiers to help you, but I must return to Moon, to ensure training at the military academy proceeds as planned, and to weed out those leading the rebellion—with your help, if you are willing, Spider?'

The Spider nodded. 'As my Queen desires.'

'Of course,' said Fyia, 'although, if the Emperor's fleet attacks, that plan will have to change. I would like to know more of the Emperor's plans …'

Sensis nodded. 'I have checkpoints along the coast, watching for any sign of attack. Hopefully, they will turn north to look for you, or return to their home across the sea. We have plenty to deal with without the Emperor adding to our troubles.'

Fyia watched Starfall pluck another leaf from the hanging plant beside her. 'Starfall, there are few with the skill to keep my council in line, especially with the likes of Venir undermining me at every turn, and with rebels in the streets …'

Starfall nodded as she wrapped the leaf around her finger. 'Supporters of the status quo.'