'And yet your loyalty is to him, rather than your Queen?'

'It's not like that,' said Essa, a flash of defiance in her eyes. 'Veau is trying to help you.'

'Then why not tell me the truth?' said Fyia, her voice spiraling upward.

'Because Veau asked me not to.'

Fyia slammed her hand on the desk. 'You think that is good enough? Should I accept that as an excuse from all who wrong me?I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but Starfall asked me not to tell you? I'm sorry, Your Majesty, but Sensis asked me not to tell you?'

Essa said nothing.

'Well?' Fyia demanded. 'Should I smile sweetly and pity you, because my brother chose his own path? The path that was right for him, and not what you—in your selfishness—desired he do?'

'That is not fair,' said Essa, her words hard despite the tears pooling in her eyes. The sight of them emptied the well of Fyia's temper, and guilt filled the hole where it had been. She'd never seen Essa cry, not in all the years she'd known her.

But what should Fyia do? Let Essa walk free? Let her go unpunished? If she did, and others discovered Fyia's weakness …

'Leave,' said Fyia. 'I will think of an appropriate punishment. And in the meantime, prepare a report on the clocks and metal balls. I want to know everything you've found.'

Essa bowed, then spun for the door. Fyia rubbed her face in her hands, then screamed in frustration. She couldn't lose all those she held dear, for if she did, what was the point of any of it?

Fyia kicked off her shoes, threw open the doors to the patio, and ran down the steps. Her wolves flanked her as her feet raced from the harsh stone to the green grass of the rolling lawn. She ran away from the formal gardens into the woods, needing the energy she could only get from the wild.

She shouldn’t be out without guards, even on the grounds of the safe house, but she wanted to be alone.

Fyia's shoulders dropped as soon as she crossed the tree line. Her heart pumped loudly in her ears as she sprinted along a game path, skirting ancient oaks, walnut, and chestnut trees, scaring rabbits and squirrels and birds.

She ran so fast her body screamed for air, her legs burning, her chest aching, but she pushed herself further, faster, leaping a fallen tree that blocked her way in tandem with her wolves.

They reveled in the exercise as much as she did, Fyia feeling their spirits soar as they hurtled through the undergrowth. And Fyia's spirits soared too, finally feeling the release she'd sought … the release she needed.

Fyia slowed, but kept running, sucking in long breaths, giving her body the air it craved. How she wished she could stay in the woods and never return … she tried the lie on, but it gave her no comfort, so she batted it away. The only thing she wanted was to find her dragons … prove to the world she was worthy … improve things for all. Although she did wish finding them didn't require more war and heartache, and that those she relied on could have some small respite before sacrificing themselves again.

Fyia's wolves sensed movement to the left, and then to the right, and Fyia took off at a sprint once more. Couldn't she have a single moment of peace?

She raced through the woods, her lungs protesting, using the senses of her wolves to guide her, but not two spins later, a pond blocked her way. A beautiful, reed filled thing with water lilies and dragonflies. She stopped abruptly, bending, her hands on her knees as she caught her breath.

'Oh, don't be so smug,' Fyia said to the trees. 'You caught me. Now, tell me you brought refreshments, because I am parched.'

Sensis and Edu stepped out of the trees, one on either side of where she stood. 'As a matter of fact, I did,' said Sensis, ignoring Edu's scowl of disapproval.

'That's why you went inside before following her?' said Edu.

'I know my Queen,' said Sensis, shrugging and pulling the stopper from a leather flask. Sensis took a swig, then said cheerfully, 'Doesn't taste poisoned to me, Your Majesty.' She handed the flask to Fyia with a mock bow.

Fyia took the flask and sat on a rock. 'The others think I should stay put and fix my kingdoms,' said Fyia, throwing a stick into the water.

'Adigos, you mean?' said Sensis. She dropped to the ground, a smile on her lips. 'So you can get married and have babies?'

Fyia rolled her eyes. 'So he can be my consort …'

Sensis barked out a laugh.

'Starfall wants me to stay too … says she doesn't believe in the dragons.'

'Starfall needs to get laid,' said Sensis. 'Send her a courtesan—or better yet, two—and she'll be happy once more.'

Fyia raised her eyebrows; it wasn't a terrible idea. 'I sent Adigos away … told him to find a wife.'