The wall pivoted inwards, another dark and uninviting tunnel appearing beyond. Adigos led them, hurrying through the twists and turns until they reached a split.
'You,' Edu said to Fyia's bodyguards and council members, 'that way.' He pointed to the righthand path.
Fyia didn't hear the rest of his words, as the Spider was already ushering her, Starfall, and Adigos down the left fork. The smaller group moved even faster than before, and Fyia marveled at the speed the Spider's aged legs could travel.
After more twists and turns, the tunnel ended abruptly at a dead end. The Spider motioned for silence, then slid a panel in the wall aside, looking through the spy hole she'd revealed. 'Clear,' she said, pulling out a metal disk and twisting it against a stone. The wall slid silently open, and they all stepped through into a large and well-appointed kitchen.
'Where are we?' said Fyia.
'Safehouse,' said the Spider. 'One of many linked from the council building.'
'I sent the others to a different one,' said Edu, who'd caught up with them. The wall—wood paneled this side—slid closed behind him.
'How did you know about the tunnels?' Fyia asked Edu.
'The Spider briefed Adigos and I when we were here last,' said Edu. 'They extend all across the city, using the waterways as well as tunnels in the buildings themselves. There are spy holes everywhere.'
'Who else knows about them?' said Fyia.
'Hard to say,' said the Spider. 'Safer to assume they're not a secret, but Essa's been replacing the lock mechanisms to make them more secure.'
A boom shook the air, and Fyia rushed to the front of the house. She flew up two flights of stairs, searching for a window that would give her a view of the city. She found one, and almost wished she hadn't. Her view was limited—the safe house surrounded by other buildings—but smoke billowed across the sky.
Fire bells rang out, and scared men, women, and children ran through the streets, some dragging the injured behind them. Fyia couldn't tear her eyes from the desolation.
'The Emperor couldn't have pulled off something of this scale … not so quickly,' said Starfall.
Another boom caused the windowpanes to rattle, and Edu pulled Fyia back. 'Away from the windows,' he said.
She went willingly, turning to discover the window was in a library, the walls lined with books. She moved back into the room, and the others took seats on the stiff, upright furniture.
'You think it's my own people?' said Fyia.
'They might be your people now,' said Starfall, 'but they haven't been for long.'
'And you've hardly pulled your punches,' said the Spider. 'Your changes have been met with much disagreement …'
'My changes are needed,' said Fyia, hotly.
'Nobody's disputing that,' said the Spider, 'but you've made one or two people angry …'
'We need Sensis,' said Fyia.
'I sent Rouel back to get her and Essa,' said Edu. 'Once they've secured the council building, they'll come here.'
'Ifthey secure the council building,' said Starfall.
Fyia gave her a disapproving look, then turned her attention to the scene through the window. 'Whoever's behind this, they'll be looking for me.'
'They won't find you,' said Edu.
'Unless they know about the tunnels,' said the Spider.
'When the bombs stop, we'll move to a safe house outside the city,' said Edu.
'They're destroying their own city,' said Fyia, shaking her head. 'Why would they do that? It hurts me, yes, but it hurts them more.'
Adigos was uncharacteristically quiet. He leaned against the window's shutter, staring outside.