'She's outside,' said the Spider, already halfway to the doors.

'Essa,' said Fyia, as she appeared with the Spider, 'the Emperor is sending airships to attack; we must prepare our defenses. Sensis, where should we focus our efforts?'

'Depends what he wants,' said Sensis. 'Venir, any ideas?'

'He wants the Queen; he's obsessed with her.'

'Then he'll come here,' said Sensis, 'assuming he knows that's where you are.'

'Why?' said Fyia, looking at Venir. 'Why does he want me?'

'Because you're the most powerful woman in all the world, and he can't have you.'

'My parents aren't behind this?' said Fyia.

'Doubtful,' said Venir. 'The Emperor's court does not hold your parents in high regard, despite what they tell people.'

A deafening boom filled the room, coming from outside, shaking the glass in the windows, and then the air went still. They hesitated for barely a tick of the clock before springing into action. Fyia jumped to her feet, Edu and Adigos flanking her as she ran for the door, nearing it by the time the second boom sounded.

'Impossible,' said Venir, 'they can't be here already.'

'Protect the Queen!' shouted Sensis, as they ran into the corridor.

'Sensis!' Essa shouted over another great boom. 'Protect the clock!'

'What?' said Sensis, rounding on Essa. Sensis looked to Fyia, who'd also stopped in her tracks.

'There's no time to explain now, but we have to protect the clock,' said Essa.

She had no time to think, only to act. 'Do it,' said Fyia.

Essa disappeared as a guard sprinted down the corridor towards them. 'Report,' said Sensis.

'Bombs going off all over the city,' he said.

'Any airships?' asked Sensis.



'None so far.'

'We have to get you out of here,' Edu said to Fyia, his tone brooking no argument.

'We'll search the rest of the building,' said Sensis.

'Use my wolves,' said Fyia, the larger of the two running after Essa. 'If there's a bomb, they’ll find it.'

Edu took Fyia by the arm and dragged her down the corridor. The Spider, Starfall, and other members of the council hurried behind them, escorted by Fyia's guards.

Edu reached the end of a seemingly dead-end corridor and twisted a wall sconce. A section of wall slid aside, revealing a dark corridor beyond. Edu quickly lit the waiting torches, then led them inside.

They all but ran through the tunnels, Adigos scouting ahead, while Edu stayed glued to Fyia's side. They made four or five turns, Fyia losing track of how many and which way, then hurried down two long flights of stairs. The air became damp and cold as they descended, sludge adorning the walls.

They reached a barred gate, and Fyia worried they were trapped, but Edu pulled out a flat circular disk with grooves and divots carved into its surface. He pushed it against the wall and twisted, and a clunking filled the air, the gate rising to allow them through. Edu pressed the disk against the wall on the other side, and the gate rattled closed behind them.

The tunnel here was dank and musty, a canal taking up most of the space. Fyia knew underground waterways ran across the city, but she'd never been down to see them. Rats scurried out of their way as they headed towards the light at the end of the tunnel, but, much to Fyia's disappointment, they didn't go out into the sunlight. Instead, Edu pressed another disk into the wall fifty paces from the tunnel's end.