'You can't be serious …'

'About which …'

'… you haven't had enough of war?'

Fyia didn't appreciate his tone. She gave him a warning look, but he pressed on regardless.

'Can't you be content with what you have? You already have five kingdoms, people who love you, enough work to keep you busy for ten lifetimes …'

'Essa and Veau betrayed me.'

'They didn't.'

She sat up straighter, wincing as she pressed too hard on her healing flesh. 'How can you know that?'

'I know your brother, and he would never do that to anyone, let alone you.'

That's what Fyia had thought too, but … 'What if the Fae'ch have changed him? What if they've turned him against me?'

'This is what I mean,' said Adigos, running his fingers into her hair, cupping her nape. 'You're driving yourself mad … becoming paranoid. You could choose to be happy, to live contentedly for the rest of your days with what you already have. Start a family …'

She pulled his hand from her neck. 'With you, you mean?'

He turned away. 'Don't do that.' He rolled out of bed and paced to the window, looking out at the black sky. 'The legend could be nothing more than a dream … something made up by a bard, embellished over the years. Maybe there never were any dragon eggs, only some useless metal balls … a wild goose chase … a joke.'

'It's real.'

He rounded to face her. 'How can you know that?'

'I just do.'

'How?' He paused, waiting for her reply, but she said nothing. 'If you want us to come with you on another conquest, then at least tell us why?'


He closed his eyes. 'Me. Tell me why … please …'

'Just sex, Adigos; that's all this is. You should go.'

He shook his head, but headed for the door without protest.

She would unite the Five Kingdoms, and she'd be damned if she explained herself to anyone.

Chapter Eight

FYIA STRODE INTO THETemple of the Sea Serpent, the fabric of her flimsy tunic billowing out behind her, buffeted by the crisp sea breeze. The others waited outside, only women allowed inside these walls.

Priestesses rushed to her side, half bowing as they hurried to keep up. 'Your Majesty,' said a priestess, 'this is a most welcome surprise. May we show you to the High Priestess? She'd be delighted to offer refreshments in her rooms.'

'No, thank you. Have her meet me in there.' Fyia pointed to one of several tunnels on the other side of the open expanse of temple floor. The opening was carved in the shape of a sea serpent's mouth, stone teeth jutting menacingly into the tunnel.

'Your Majesty, we mean no disrespect, but only the High Priestess may go into the mouth of the sea serpent.'

Fyia was undeterred, keeping up her brisk pace. She took a deep breath, steeling herself before stepping carefully between the serpent's teeth into the blackness beyond.

She let her eyes adjust, and gooseflesh fired across her skin. Making an enemy of the priestesses wasn't a smart move, but it was too late to think about that now.

She started moving again, inching her way along the dark corridor towards the barest chink of light at the far end. The floor was so uneven, she almost fell twice, but she eventually reached the light.