The third eagle wheeled away, diving towards the ground. It picked up one of Fyia's guards and flew her to the boat, the other eagles following suit, adding two more to the fray.
Fyia's archers slowed their volleys, not wanting to hit one of their own, but it didn't take long for the fighting to die down.
Fyia breathed a sigh of relief when Adigos waved over the side to confirm their victory, and the boat began a slow descent. Fyia released the eagles, sending them thanks through the bond. She pushed aside the emptiness that filled her as she watched them go.
Fyia tracked the boat as it descended, Rouel by her side. Adigos had shouted they were looking for an open spot to land. They'd taken the crew hostage, including the pilot.
'Urgh,' said Rouel, shaking his hands as though to rid them of something nasty.
'What is it?' said Fyia, although, given his expression, she wasn't overly concerned. 'The attack?'
He shook his head. 'I know Edu's the best we have, but every time, my heart stops beating.'
Fyia smiled at his blatant admission of what she'd long suspected. 'The sideline's always the worst place to be,' she said. They walked in silence for a few moments, watching the boat float down. 'Why haven't you ever written a song about him?'
Rouel's face split into a grin. 'I've written plenty, but Edu says they're inappropriate for public performance.'
Fyia laughed, and then melancholy filled her. 'Has anything ever happened between the two of you?' Fyia knew it would be better to ask Edu; he was Rouel's superior, and her friend, but now seemed like a good time. And aside from her general intrigue, she needed to know if she had a conflict of interest in her personal guard. She probably should have asked sooner.
A wistful look crossed Rouel's face, and he shook his head.
'Do you love him?'
Rouel gave her a strange look. 'Of course … but not in the way you mean.'
Fyia cocked her head, not understanding.
'I've accepted nothing can happen between us. Edu doesn't see me that way … or, if he does, he would never admit it. You're his only true love, and he's devoted to you.'
Fyia screwed up her features. 'Edu has no romantic interest in me …' The very idea was jarring.
Rouel laughed. 'I don't mean like that. I mean, he believes in you. He loves your cause and your determination to see your mission through. He respects you, and values you more than the notion of a romantic relationship … with me, or anyone else.'
Fyia pondered that. It was sad in a way, but Edu was free to make his own choices.
'Do you love Adigos?' Rouel blurted, then looked sheepish. The question was impertinent, and Fyia should rebuke him, but she struggled to get her thoughts straight unless she spoke them aloud, and she trusted Rouel with her life.
'Do I want to write inappropriate songs about him?' she joked. Rouel gave her a look, and she smiled. Maybe she should promote him, so they could be true friends … he was so easy to talk to. She considered his real question. 'I want to rip his clothes off—I can't tell you how much I want to do that …'
Rouel chuckled. 'If you'd asked me that about Edu, my answer would have been a resoundingyes!'
Fyia laughed wickedly. She'd never had an interest in Edu that way, but could easily understand Rouel's attraction. Edu was—objectively speaking—a very attractive man.
Fyia sighed. 'I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for Adigos … I might even still love him. But my heart didn't stop when he landed on that boat; it didn't even falter. All I cared about was winning, and keeping us all alive.'
'He thinks he can bring you around,' said Rouel. He pulled back a branch and held it out of her way.
'I know, despite what I've told him … despite what Edu tried to drum into him last night.'
'Will you make a political marriage?' Fyia's wolves growled. 'Sorry … I'll stop.'
The wind whipped at Fyia's disheveled hair, and she pushed the stray wisps back off her face. 'No one knows what the future will bring,' she said. 'If I have to, I'll make a political match, but it certainly won't be with the Emperor, and marriage isn't what I want.'
'What do you want?'
Fyia stopped and looked at him. 'I want to make my kingdoms prosperous and peaceful, and to do that, I have to bring back the dragons.'
And I want someone who makes my heart stop.She batted the surprising thought away. No such man existed for her now, and even if they did, she'd sworn to never be so foolish as to give her heart away again.