'I'm fine,' she said, batting him away, 'and glad to say, awake. I'm impressed you lasted the night.'

'Hey,' he said, pulling her into a rough embrace, wrapping an arm around her head, 'I spent the night searching for you, and fending off a never-ending stream of extremely enticing Fae'ch.'

'You didn't sample any delights at all?'

'I learnt my lesson last time. It all seems wondrous on the surface, but underneath, they're monsters … and anyway, I only have eyes for one woman,' he said, looking down at her.

She lifted her hands to his waist and met his hopeful eyes. 'I told you, Adigos, whatever happens between us can only be physical. You can fuck whoever you please.'

'I know,' he said, stroking her hair, 'because you don't think you can trust me … but I'm going to win back your trust.'

She shook her head in exasperation, and he took hold of her face. 'You'll see,' he whispered. He ran his hands down her arms, stepping back as footsteps approached.

'Edu,' said Fyia. 'Fun night?'

Edu's cheeks flushed. 'I'm sorry … I couldn't find you.'

Fyia waved a hand. 'We'll assume they hid me with magic.'

Fyia filled them in about the Black Hoods, and Edu's look of admonishment was moderate compared to what she'd been expecting. Probably embarrassed he'd been unable to find her …

'I wonder why they were here,' said Edu.

'Maybe they come a lot,' said Adigos. 'Or maybe for a trade meeting, or simply because they were passing by …'

'Or they got wind of us being here, and came to see Fyia in the flesh,' suggested Edu.

'I trust you had an enjoyable night?' said Axus, his footsteps so silent they hadn't heard his approach.

Fyia nodded in a non-committal way. 'We'd love breakfast, if that's on offer?' she said.

'Ah, yes,' said Axus, with knowing eyes, 'you must be hungry. Right this way.'

Axus led them through a door under a big metal cog, into a small ante-chamber packed with tables full of Fae'ch noisily gossiping over breakfast. The room went silent as they entered, the hairs on the back of Fyia's neck standing on end. Axus led them to a table towards the back, a lone figure already seated there.

The figure turned and stood, his eyes meeting Fyia's. She hesitated for only a split tick before rushing forward, throwing her arms wide. 'Veau! Brother! It's so good to see you.'

'It's good to see you too,' he said, pulling back to bow, 'Your Majesty.'

He looked well, his usually thin frame having filled out a little, the river of golden scales across his face seeming to shimmer, giving him a luster he'd never had before. His light hair was glossy, his grey eyes shone, and he looked happier than she'd ever seen him.

He stiffened as he lifted his gaze to the others. 'Adigos, Edu.' He clasped each of their forearms, then nodded to Rouel. 'I hear you are partly to thank for my sister's victory.'

'Well, maybe not Adigos,' said Edu, with a wink.

'It was all Sensis,' countered Adigos.

'I won't argue with you there,' said Edu. 'That woman is a marvel.'

Veau waved his hand, indicating they should sit, and a mouthwatering array of bizarrely mismatched dishes materialized: deviled eggs, honeyed cardamon swirls, rose water rice pudding, cheese on toast with anchovies, and a whole host of other random yet tempting delights. 'Please, eat.'

Surprisingly, Axus left them, and the room’s other occupants returned to their own affairs, only the odd surreptitious eye flicking their way.

Fyia pulled the small metal ball from the inner pocket of her tunic and pressed it into her brother's hand under the table. 'Essa wanted me to give you this,' she said, leaning in so no one else could hear. 'I don't know what it is, but I'm guessing you do?'

Veau nodded, squeezing her hand, the ball already gone. 'Thank you,' he said. 'Now, tell me why you're here. You've got five kingdoms to run, with goodness knows how many people plotting to kill you …'

'You know why I'm here.'