The dragons fled from the King.

Five eggs they left in the kingdoms,

With legend that they would return,

When the Five Great Kingdoms saw peace once again,

And the clocks tolled the time of the birds.

And the clocks tolled the time of the birds.

Adigos rolled his eyes as Rouel strolled over, ever the performer, working his crowd. 'Those songs should be banned,' said Adigos, throwing a stick into the flames, 'and you should stick to guarding.'

'Why?' asked Rouel, still playing the tune.

'They're bullshit, and people think they're real.'

'You don’t think there were dragons?' asked Rouel.

'Of course there were dragons, but who can say if they'll ever return?'

'They will,' said Fyia, anger flaring in her veins.

'Why would they?' said Adigos.

'I can feel it,' said Fyia. She instantly wished she hadn't, hating the pitiful way Adigos looked at her.

Rouel leaned in, obviously sensing new fodder for a song. 'What do you mean, you can feel it?' he asked.

Fyia focused on the crackling embers, letting silence stretch out into the night.

Edu shooed Rouel away, then followed him. 'I'm going to bed. I'm on watch in three turns.'

'Night,' said Adigos.

'You don't believe the dragons will return?' asked Fyia, when Edu had gone.

'I didn't say that,' said Adigos. 'I don't have great faith though, given how little magic we have left.'

'I have plenty of magic.'

'You and your brother both, but is that enough?'

Fyia turned sharp eyes on him, dread clawing at her guts.

'Don't worry, he never said anything, but he seemed … I don't know … at peace maybe, when I left him with the Fae'ch. They wouldn't let him live there if he wasn't magical, and of course there's the matter of his face …'

'I won't discuss my brother.'

'I know,' he said, 'and I truly believe if anyone can bring back the dragons, it's you. I just … don't know if I believe it's possible.'

She met his gaze, and her instinct to fight melted in the face of the sincerity she found there.

She shook her head and looked back at the fire. He snagged her hand. 'You're extraordinary either way, Fyia. You've already done the impossible. You will reform our lands—of that I have no doubt—with or without the dragons. You don't need them to become a legend, you've already done enough … already have the eyes of the world upon you, songs sung about your exploits …'

She leaned back, resting her head against his shoulder. 'I want more than that.' He wrapped his cloak around her, shielding her from the cold. 'I don't care about being a legend. I care about my people. Our lands are cooling …'

'I love that about you,' he said, kissing the top of her head. 'That you care. That that's what drives you.'