'Don't judge me. Just take it, please.' Essa didn't meet her eyes.

'Okay,' said Fyia. The ball was small enough to fit in her palm, yet surprisingly weighty. 'Should I tell him anything when I give it to him?'

'No, thank you.'

Fyia didn't pry. They'd been friends for a long time, but Essa was a private person, and Fyia respected her privacy.

'Starfall will work with you on the stuff in Moon,' said Fyia, 'and Sensis will be there to ensure compliance.'

Essa nodded. 'We leave today. What about the plans for the palace? Who needs to see them?'

'Nobody. I trust your judgement, and you know what I want. The Spider or Starfall will help if you need anything.'

Essa nodded, then bowed. 'Safe travels, my Queen.'

Fyia pulled Essa into an embrace. 'You too.'

Fyia entered the council chamber, the members of her Small Council already waiting. Whereas the Extended Council included the wardens from each kingdom, as well as other key figures, the Small Council was less concerned with representation and more concerned with action. Every member of the Small Council played a crucial role, and Fyia expected them to be loyal to her first, and to their home kingdom or other interests second.

Along with Starfall, Sensis, and the Spider, who handled general leadership, the military, and intelligence respectively, she'd made two new appointments: Lady Nara Orchus of the Kingdom of Sea Serpents, to handle trade, and Lord Eratus Venir of the Kingdom of Sky, ostensibly to handle the kingdoms' finances, but also because Fyia wanted to keep an eye on him.

'You may by wondering why my aunt, Lady Starfall Orlightus, has joined us today,' said Fyia. The looks on Nara and Venir's faces said they knew exactly why Starfall was in attendance, but Fyia continued anyway. 'As you know, I am heading north, to the lands of the Fae'ch.'

'In search of dragons,' said Venir.

Fyia frowned, but he didn't even have the good grace to look abashed. 'While I am away,' she continued, 'Starfall will be my deputy. She has absolute authority in all things.'

'You're not worried she might betray you, as she did your parents?' asked Venir.

Fyia ignored him. 'While I am away, Sensis will travel to Moon, to reorganize the military academy. Nara will oversee the reformation of the markets, the Spider will appoint new academic and guild leaders, and Venir, you will ensure our coffers remain full upon my return.'

'Your Majesty,' they said together, accepting their tasks.

'Will you select a husband while you travel?' asked Lady Nara.

'You've given up on my marrying the Emperor so soon?' Fyia sniped.

Nara's cheeks colored. 'That was Fredrik's idea, not mine. I only wish you to marrysomeone… there are no dragons, so … and alliances would make us stronger … enhance trade …'

Venir interrupted Nara's stumbling words. 'Given the way King Milo was slain, not to mention the way you won your own home kingdom, you can't blame us for having questions.'

Adigos shifted almost imperceptibly behind Fyia. 'I can and will blame you for your questions,' said Fyia. 'I conquered all five kingdoms, and punished the men who snatched King Milo's kill from my hand.' Nara and Venir's eyes flicked to Adigos, Nara's eyebrows shooting up before she remembered to get them under control.

Fyia's wolves growled, and everyone at the table stiffened, even Starfall.

'Next time you question my right to rule, my Cruaxee will give you a permanent reminder of how badly you are mistaken.'

The air vacated the room, and a dark, foreboding silence settled. Nara and Venir averted their eyes.

'Venir, I am in need of a spy in the Kraken Empire. We've heard word they've invented flying machines.' A collective gasp filled the air. 'You will travel there, under the guise of a trade mission, and find out what you can.'

Venir flinched. 'But, Your Majesty, I have much to attend here … my lands …'

'Do not seek out my parents. If they try to contact you, ignore their request.'

Venir paled. 'But they're in the Emperor's palace … I may be unable to avoid them.'

'Then keep conversation to a minimum, or feed them lies … whichever you prefer. Act in accordance with the spirit of what I ask, and remember, the Spider's web is wide.'