'I'll wait for you here,' said Edu, looking nervous. It was the first time Fyia had seen any hint of fear in his eyes.

She smiled, but didn't openly mock him in front of the guards. 'Everyone will stay here aside from me.'

'You're not going in there alone,' said Adigos. He flicked his pale blue eyes past Fyia to the devout at the top of the steps.

'Youwantto go inside?' said Fyia.

'It's too dangerous for you to go alone. What if someone attacks you?'

'The risk is minimal,' said Edu, 'but Adigos is right; we can't be too careful.'

Fyia chuckled, turning to walk up the steps, Adigos hot on her heels. 'Don't speak unless they ask you a direct question,' she said. 'Don't stare, keep track of your possessions at all times, and for Gods' sake, don't let them corner you.'

'You make it sound as though we're going into hostile territory. How bad can a bunch of old women be?'

'Oh, you sweet summer child.'

The man at the top bowed to Fyia and ignored Adigos—the shrine's devouts did not take kindly to other men.

Fyia stifled a laugh at Adigos' frown.Just you wait …

The devout led them through an atrium filled with light, channels of steaming water crisscrossing the floor. The temple sat atop a hot spring, hot water piped through every inch, so it was always at a temperature that allowed for barely any clothes.

They passed several naked devouts as they walked, Adigos stepping up beside Fyia, glaring at them all. Moans and gasps drifted out from the many alcoves, and Adigos' head whipped around, sending Fyia a look of disbelief. 'Don't they have rooms?'

'It's not a brothel,' said Fyia. 'You can wait outside if it's too much for your sensibilities. Really, you act as though you were born in Moon …'

'You know very wellthisis my homeland,' said Adigos, 'but not everyone in Plenty is quite so … liberal.'

'Maybe they should be.'

He looked aghast. 'They're not like this in your home kingdom …'

'Some of them are,' she said with a wink.

Adigos stuttered, searching for a response, but they reached a wooden section of wall, and the devout pulled a lever.

'Brace yourself,' Fyia whispered.

The wall tipped forwards, supported on either side by chains. It fell to the floor, where it formed a bridge across a particularly wide channel of water, and on the other side …

'Sacred Warrior,' muttered Adigos. He pulled Fyia back as she made to step onto the bridge. 'You cannot be serious.' His face was inches from hers, his features almost pleading.

'Don't show weakness,' said Fyia, 'or you're done for.' She pulled out of his grasp and headed into the melee, the only word she could think to describe the debauched scene.

In the center of the space, three middle-aged women lounged on low couches, entirely naked. Each woman had three or four male attendants—all naked too—and were engaged in all manner of activities. One had a devout feeding her peeled grapes while her finger and toenails were painted, another received a massage, a man on each limb, and the third—her aunt—had one man's head between her breasts, and another kissing his way up her thigh.

'Starfall!' said Fyia, her voice an excited greeting.

Her aunt looked around, her features lighting up when she saw her niece. 'Fyia, darling, what a lovely surprise! Join in, by all means. And who is this delicious piece of man flesh?' she asked, eyeing Adigos. 'You should rid him of his clothes … awfully hot in here.'

Adigos flinched.

'Oh … you didn't bring a prude?'

'Leave if you're uncomfortable, Adigos,' said Fyia softly, sinking onto the couch next to her aunt. She beckoned one of the men to her side. Adigos went rigid as Fyia instructed the man to kiss her neck, then tipped her head back and let out a sigh. She hummed in appreciation as another gave her a foot rub.

Fyia watched Adigos as he watched her. She didn't miss the flaming fire of desire in his eyes. He'd always wanted her, since they'd first met, when she'd been sixteen and him twenty, her brother's best friend. She'd almost given in, just once, before he'd betrayed her for the first time. In another life, they would have been married … a life where her brother hadn't become Fae'ch …