Fyia gave him a long, hard look. 'Not any longer.'
Antice paled. 'You can't mean …'
'I assure you, I can. Sensis will deal with the military academy. The Spider will compile a list of leaders for the healers' college and guilds. And my dear friend Essa Thebe—our most brilliant inventor—whom I have already asked to architect my new palace, will make a short list of candidates for Chancellor of the University.'
'Your Majesty!' said Antice, his fists balled at his sides. 'I must strongly advise against this. The people of Moon will consider it an attack on their way of life. It would not be an exaggeration to say we will see blood in the streets …'
'You mean from the stampede of women rushing to register for an education that should have been available to them since birth?'
'No, Your Majesty, from the people who will lose their livelihoods. We will simply have too many workers … it will throw off the balance.'
'Then admit fewer men,' said Fyia, 'although I very much doubt your words are true. Are we done?' Fyia looked at the Spider.
'One more petition, from Lord Eratus Venir, of the Sky Kingdom,' said the Spider.
Fyia's stomach dropped.Wonderful. She turned her eyes to the gnarled old man making a show of struggling to his feet. It was a façade; if he were truly so fragile, he'd never have made it here before her.
Lord Venir said nothing for a few moments, letting a vicious silence rip across the room that sank its claws into everyone present. As a representative of the most recently vanquished kingdom, he was somewhat of an unknown entity, and that made people nervous.
'Your Majesty,' he said eventually, with a deep bow, 'I have but one question.' He paused a beat, trying to intimidate her, but Fyia refused to be bullied. She looked at him with boredom in her eyes. 'Where are the dragons?'
A collective gasp went through the room. They'd all been thinking it, but apparently only Venir had the balls to ask out loud. Fyia respected him for that.
'They have not yet returned,' said Fyia, 'unless anyone present is harboring a dragon?'
'Do you believe, Your Majesty,' Venir continued, 'the legend is false? That uniting the Five Kingdoms will not, in fact, bring back those beasts? Or maybe—and I say this with the greatest of respect—you are not the one destined for that path?'
Fyia's wolves snarled, and she felt Adigos and Edu tense behind her.
'Did you expect them to puff into being overnight?' asked Fyia, her tone mocking. 'Five eggs are all we have left, and theKingsoutlawed magic.'
'They did no such thing,' said Venir.
'Yes, they did,' said Fyia, 'for everyone but a handful of men behind the walls of a secret guild. They chased away the Fae'ch—the custodians of magic, and Cruaxee, and fire-touch—even the priestesses of the Sea Serpent are forbidden to practice. As of this moment, I decree that magic is legal, and may be practiced by anyone who wishes. The knowledge held in the guilds and university will be freely shared.'
Antice and Venir spluttered unintelligible exclamations, but fell silent when Fyia turned fierce eyes upon them.
'The priestesses of the Sea Serpent will be delighted,' said Lady Nara. 'I shall send word to them immediately.' Fyia nodded in acknowledgement.
'It will be good for trade,' said Lord Fredrik, 'but will wipe out the existing black market. We'll have to watch for unrest on that front.'
'The Spider will see to that,' said Fyia.
Lady Lyr had gone pale. 'You're going to encourage those …peopleto come back into our lands? This is the opposite of my request. The Starlight Kingdom will not stand for it.'
'You forget yourself, Lady Lyr. The Starlight Kingdom ismyhomeland. My people will welcome this news.'
'What of the dragons?' Venir asked again. 'What if they do not return?' Antice nodded in agreement, and he and Venir shared a meaningful look.
'They will,' said Fyia, her voice unwavering.They had to.
Chapter Three
THESPIDER SHOWEDFYIAand her entourage to an enormous townhouse after the meeting—Fyia's official residence in Selise until her new palace was ready. It had rooms enough to accommodate them all, as well as space for banquets and balls, and a garden that butted up against the river Sage, half a league before it merged with the river Empirisis. Empirisis flowed all the way from the Blue Mountains in the east, where it formed the border between Moon and Plenty, across Plenty's vast countryside, then through the Kingdom of Sea Serpents to the sea.
Fyia paced back and forth in front of the hearth in the large sitting room. The Spider sat on an uncomfortable-looking sofa, Adigos leaned against the frame of a floor-to-ceiling window, and Sensis lounged on a chaise longue, eating chocolate-coated strawberries.