'We are concerned with the … ah … tense relations between Your Majesty and the Emperor across the sea,' said Fredrik. 'We fear trade will be adversely affected.'

He looked expectantly at Fyia, who said nothing. Instead, she held Fredrik's gaze until he continued. 'We would respectfully suggest Your Majesty explores a … uh … marriage contract with the Emperor, to secure peace and favorable trade agreements for the good of all five kingdoms.'

Fyia's gaze flicked between Nara and Fredrik. Maybe she wasn't as fond of Lady Nara as she'd originally thought …

'I will say this once, and once only,' said Fyia. Her tone caused the room to go still, and nervous tension permeated the air. 'I will never marry the Emperor, or anyone like him. I have not toiled for so long, risked so much, lost so many, only to give my kingdoms to a greedy, self-serving man. Especially a man with a reputation for brutality, who is harboring both my treasonous parents and many of the pitiful royals who fled my kingdoms at the first sign of their defeat.

'Trade is important—crucial—and will continue as it always has, whether or not I marry a foreign leader. They need our goods as much as we need theirs.'

'But, Your Majesty …' said Fredrik.

Fyia waved her hand, halting his words. 'Fear not, Lord Fredrik, for I have work for you. I plan to make Selise the heart of my combined kingdoms. I intend to build a palace, which will act not only as my home, but more importantly, will become a center of trade for the world.

'We shall invite merchants to our lands. We will wow them with the treatment usually reserved for dignitaries, and then we shall make deals to secure good relations for generations to come.'

'I can only applaud such a vision,' said Fredrik.

'But to achieve our full potential, we must change the way things work,' said Fyia. The air went still once more, and Fredrik's face drained of all color. 'We will make the markets fair and accessible to all.'

Fredrik's mouth pinched. He and his peers had long run the markets like their personal playgrounds, demanding exorbitant taxes and giving prime spots to their friends.

'And all workers will be paid fairly across the Five Kingdoms.'

'Well … I … I'm not sure what you mean?' said Fredrik.

'Which part is unclear?'

'Workers are already paid.'

'You do not think everyone deservesfairpayment for their work?'

'We should consult with the merchants, Your Majesty. These things are delicate ... should not be rushed … especially if such action could hamper commerce.' Fredrik looked delighted with his argument, obviously thinking he'd found an excellent button to push.

'It is very simple,' said Fyia, her tone brooking no argument. 'As of the first day of the next cycle of the moon, any person wishing to operate in any market in any of my five kingdoms must pay all workers fairly—men and women. If they do not, they will be fined, and shall not be allowed to trade. I trust the two of you,' she indicated to Lord Fredrik and Lady Nara, 'can work out the finer details and enforce the new rules.'

Fyia nodded to the Spider, who moved onto the next item on her list, even though Fredrik and Nara still stood. 'Lord Sollow Antice, of the Kingdom of the Moon,' said the Spider. Fredrik and Nara finally returned to their seats.

'Your Majesty,' said Lord Antice, standing and bowing deeply.

Fyia gripped the arms of her chair. Gods give her strength …

'We request you visit the Moon Kingdom,' said Antice. 'We should like to bestow on you an honorary degree from the university, and build a statue in your likeness to be placed proudly in the main atrium. It will replace the statue of the former King of Moon that stands today.'

Lord Sollow Antice had previously been Prince Sollow Antice, firstborn son of that very king. There was no love lost between the father and son, but that didn't explain his current motivation. He was too sweet by half …

'Thank you, my lord.'

'There is but one other thing,' said Antice. Fyia nodded, unsurprised. 'I presume you need the services of the Guild of Architects to design your new palace? I would be delighted to summon our most accomplished members …'

Fyia sat back in her chair. 'Remind me, Lord Antice, how many women are in that guild?'

Antice faltered, and Fyia didn't miss the flash of irritation in his eyes; not so sweet after all.

'The Guild of Architects does not admit women, Your Majesty.'

'How about your esteemed military academy? Or the healers' college?'

'As Your Majesty is aware, those institutions are only for men.'