'Brace yourselves,' said the Spider. She paused before a set of huge metal doors covered with cogs of various sizes.

Fyia nodded, a seriousness descending over the group as they positioned themselves. The Spider pressed a hidden button, and a loud clanking filled the air, the cogs spinning as they swung inwards, revealing the council chamber beyond.

The chamber was vast, stretching all the way up to the clock tower above, some of the clock's internal mechanism visible. Towering columns ran down either side, and rows of stained-glass windows admitted muted light. Under the columns, lesser diplomats and courtiers lined the walls, and at the far end stood a long table, packed with expectant faces all craning for a look at their Queen.

Fyia held her head high, looking every inch the conqueror as she entered the chamber. Music began, floating across the air from somewhere at the back, and Fyia had to suppress a laugh at the shocked faces all around; evidently Rouel had snuck in ahead of them.

Fyia's wolves led the way, prowling towards the table, with Sensis and Edu—large and formidable—flanking her. Fyia surveyed the faces as she walked purposefully to the elaborate chair at the head of the table. Sensis and the Spider took the chairs to either side of Fyia, Edu and Adigos standing guard behind, her wolves sitting at her feet.

Fyia nodded to the Spider, who said, 'Your Majesty, with your leave, I bring this meeting to order. The members of your council would swear fealty.'

Fyia nodded. Her wardens—one for each of the five kingdoms—stood, bowed, and declared their loyalty, and then the rest of Fyia's Extended Council followed suit. Nobody missed the mocking edge from Lord Eratus Venir, the newly appointed warden of her most recently conquered kingdom. That he'd made it to her new capital before Fyia was impressive; he must have ridden hard from the Sky Kingdom.

'The next order of business,' said the Spider, 'is from Lady Lyr Patrice, the Warden of your homeland, the Starlight Kingdom.'

Lady Lyr stood, inclined her head to Fyia, then addressed the table. 'My lords and ladies, I petition the council for an increase in soldiers at the border between the Starlight Kingdom and the dark lands beyond.'

Fyia bristled. 'Those lands have names. The Land of the Fae'ch, and the Kingdom of the Black Hoods,' she said, looking Lady Lyr directly in the eye.

'Of course, Your Majesty,' said Lyr, clenching her teeth.

'What purpose would troops serve?' asked Sensis. As High Commander of Fyia's armies, her troops would be the ones to answer any such call.

'To protect against raiders,' said Lyr, 'and as a show of strength … so they don't get any ideas.'

'Sowhodoesn't get any ideas?' said Sensis, not bothering to hide her frustration.

'The Fae'ch, and the Black Hoods.'

'What ideas might they get?' asked Sensis.

'Ones about invading our lands …'

'Has either given any indication they are considering an invasion? Have there been raids?' said Sensis.

'There have been rumors. We must be proactive … not give them an opening.'

'Why would they want an opening?' said Sensis.

'I don't presume to understand the motivations of those … people.'

Fyia clenched her fists under the table, reminding herself to be civil. The people of her homeland split into two broad camps: bigots and scaremongers who had an over-inflated sense of their own self-worth … people like Lady Lyr, or Fyia's parents, and the progressives, like Fyia. Much as Fyia hated Lady Lyr and everything she stood for, the other bigots confided in her, so she had a use.

'Your request is denied,' said Fyia. 'You have no evidence of hostility, and no good will come from provoking our neighbors.'

'But … Your Majesty … the people of the Starlight Kingdom will not be pleased.'

'Do you mean to say ensuring harmony in the kingdom of my birth is outside your capabilities?' said Fyia.

Lady Lyr seethed, unable—or maybe unwilling—to hide her anger. 'I will, of course, do what I can …'

Fyia looked back to the Spider, ending Lyr's time. 'Lady Nara Orchus, of the Kingdom of Sea Serpents, and Lord Fredrik Feake, of the Kingdom of Plenty, would like to make a joint petition,' said the Spider.

Fyia turned her attention to the two figures rising from their seats.

'Your Majesty,' said Lady Nara, whom Fyia had always liked, 'Lord Fredrik and I are concerned about our trade prospects with the lands across the Kraken Sea.'

Fyia's kingdoms exported much to those lands, and the Kingdom of Sea Serpents shipped the goods to all the far-flung regions of the known world. Fyia inclined her head.