He’s right.

I do want to kill every Moon Caster I can get my hands on. I hate everything about them. I hate them and I want them eliminated from the world. And I want to be the one to do it.

That doesn’t mean it’s always going to bepractical.

I’m smart enough to know how to look for the best move for myself in any given situation. It’s why I survived on my own all those years before Emlyn and I found each other.

And right now, the best move isn’t to punch and kick our way out of here, no matter how strongly Nate’s instincts might be pulling him in the direction of a fight.

Right now, the best thing we can do is to find out what these Moon Casters want with hybrids. Because one way or another, we’re going to need to know the answer to that.

“I don’t trust them,” I tell Nate. “I’m not on their side. But I do want to hear what they have to say. I think we need to stay.”



AfterIbringEmlynback from the tour, I go to see the High Sorcerer. Regine is completely untrusting when it comes to outsiders. Always has been. I have no idea why I thought this time would be any different.

“You brought who back with you?” she asks, eyes narrowed in dislike and suspicion. I know her anger is directed at the outsiders, but right now, I can’t help feeling like it’s directed atme.

God, I’d like to call her out on her shit. One of these days.

“A couple of hybrids,” I say again. I know perfectly well that she heard me the first time, that she knows what I’m going to say in answer to her question.

“Hybridwhat?” Her eyes narrow even further, which doesn’t seem like it should be scientifically possible.

“Half Moon Caster, half shifter.”

She shakes her head. “Bullshit.”

“I’ve seen them shift,” I say evenly. “And I’ve seen them do magic.”

“They tricked you.”

“No, they didn’t.”

“You think you can’t be tricked?” She shakes her head again. “You’re gifted, Wilder. I’ve always said that. Maybe you’re the most gifted of all of us. But you don’t know what’s out there in the world. Our coven has always been dedicated to keeping our power conservative. Not overextending ourselves. There are others who don’t do that.”

“Do you think I don’t realize that?” I ask. “Did you forget that you’ve had me out tracking thoseothersfor months now? Where do you think I was when I met these hybrids? On vacation?”

“Don’t be cavalier with me,” Regine says.

Because she’s the High Sorcerer, she thinks she can order me around. Even after all our years together, she thinks she’s in charge of me. She only has the title because she’s a few years older than I am, and because she was the last High Sorcerer’s favorite. If these things were based on power, I would have gotten it.

Regine probably knows that.

But power isn’t what she respects most. It isn’t what anyone in this coven respects most. It’s like she said—it’s all about playing it safe. Not overextending ourselves.

Because we’ve certainly seen the damage that can be caused by Moon Casters who try to do too much.

“Why the hell did you bring them back here?” Regine asks.

“They’re being hunted by the Moon Drinkers,” I tell her.

“So what?” She throws her hands up. “Who isn’t being hunted by the Moon Drinkers?”

“You don’t understand,” I say. “The Moon Drinkers want them badly. They’re obsessed with hybrids. Don’t you want to know what they want them for?”