The cyclone of rocks suddenly blasts apart like an explosion.

Howls go up all around us. I roll to my feet and see that most of the rocks have found targets and drawn blood, like shrapnel exploding from a grenade. A dozen wolves are writhing on the ground in pain.

Victor, who wasn’t hit, bares his teeth at us. He doesn’t look remotely amused anymore.

Beside me, Milo sinks to his knees, looking utterly drained. I know what it feels like to use all the magic in your tank. I’ve experienced it in training. He might not have anything left to give.

I move quickly, standing in front of him. Wilder takes up a position behind him, and together, we block the others from touching him.

The wolves are drawing closer, though. They’ve seen something they like here. They understand the seriousness of the damage we can do, but they also understand that our powers are finite, and they know one of us is in wolf form already. If they can survive two more big hits, they must be thinking, then we’ll be easy pickings.

I need to do some damage.

A few yards away, I see a fallen log. This might be beyond me. But if I can do it, I’ll be able to take out several of them.

One of the wolves lunges toward me suddenly. Wilder lets out a strangled cry. His control is slipping.

Nate sprints forward and intercepts the attacker. Peripherally, I see Milo’s body begin to change, and I know that even though he’s given up on being able to fight magically, he’s still hoping to do some damage in his wolf form.

I try to ignore the snarls of the wolves as they tangle together a few yards away from me. I focus on the fallen log instead.

I reach out with the unfathomable power that connects me to the moon and wrap it around the log. I draw the log toward me slowly, like an unwilling dog on a leash.

I see that Wilder notices what I’m doing. But he can’t help me. He’s using every ounce of himself to keep us defended, and even so, he’s starting to slip.

Magically, I’m completely on my own.

The log is heavy. It’s heavier than I am, and I almost feel as if I’m being pulled toward it instead of the other way around. I don’t know if I have the strength it takes to achieve what I’m trying to do here.

Milo lets out a howl of pain.

My head jerks toward him reflexively, and I see that the wolf he’s fighting has raked a claw down the length of his back and pinned him.


Something bubbles up in me—a strength I didn’t know I had—and I pullhard.

I see the Earth rise up in a mound beneath my log, setting it rolling.

Elemental magic!Of course. That’s where my strength lies!

The log rolls toward the wolves, and they scatter. But now it’s rushing toward Milo, who doesn’t have the strength to pull himself out of the way—

I tug at the earth again, frantically, and another hill lifts up just ahead of where Milo is. The log rolls up, soars over his head, and comes crashing down to rest at my feet.

I feel myself starting to collapse, and I let my wolf rise up and take over. I huddle beside Wilder for a moment, recovering. I’m not ready to fight. I’m too exhausted.

And my attack hasn’t done enough. The wolves are startled, and a few of them are lying on the ground, completely wiped out by what I did. But the others are starting to regroup

I hurry forward to defend Milo, who’s struggling to stand. Wilder moves with me, still shielding us.

Then Victor breaks into a run, and for a moment, I think he’s coming for me, that he’s going to kill me at last.

Wilder clearly thinks so too. He throws up his hands, focusing his defense on Victor—

But Victor runs right past us as if we’re not even there.

A split second later, with a stab of horror, I understand.