I make the rock drift back and forth in front of her, watching as she turns her head to track its progress through the air. When I’m sure I’ve got her attention, I bring the rock back to the bush the three of us are hiding behind.
I hover it in the air above us for a count of three.
Then, when I’m sure no one is watching apart from Emlyn, I reach up and catch it.
She turns away immediately.
Good girl. She’s gotten the message, but she’s not going to draw attention to us. She knows we’re here, and she knows we’re going to help her, so she’ll be prepared as well as she can be when we make our move. But she won’t give us away to her guard, or to any of the other members of her pack.
“Okay,” I tell the others. “Let’s get into position.”
“Where are you going?” Nate asks.
I point straight up. I’ve been scoping this tree out for a while now, and if I find a good spot in the lower branches, I should be obscured enough by the foliage that no one will see me while still being able to keep an eye on what’s going on.
“Get up there,” Milo says. “We’ll give it five minutes once you’re up and then make our move.”
I grab the lowest branch and haul myself up into the tree. It’s the kind of thing I might have done by magic on another occasion, but I know my strength is finite today, and I’m saving every bit I don’t need. If I can do something without magic, I’m going to.
I get to the lowest branch and sit astride it, taking in the view of the pack territory below.
And then I notice something.
There’s another group, just about a hundred yards away from Milo and Nate, who are right below me. Also on the perimeter of the pack’s land.
I don’t recognize faces. But I do recognize the sigil carved into their skin.
Moon Drinkers.
Ikeepcatchingmyselfdarting glances at the place where the little rock disappeared.
I know I shouldn’t look. I know that, if Harley is smart, seeing my gaze returning over and over to the same spot will arouse his suspicions.
I don’t think that Harleyissmart. But I can’t know that for sure. He’s turned out to be pretty different from what I thought he was.
Instead of looking, I focus on what this signal means. My mates are here. And I know that they’re telling me I need to be ready because rescue is coming.
But how can I do that? I’m chained to a tree.
My first instinct when I’m in a dangerous situation is to shift. And even now, my wolf is clamoring to rise, knowing that she’s better equipped to deal with a fight than my human self. But I can’t let that happen. My human body is capable of embracing a wide tree trunk the way I’m being forced to, but wolf forelegs won’t bend that way. They’ll snap and shatter, and I won’t be able to walk, much less fight.
So shifting is out of the question.
My second line of defense, which I’m still learning to use effectively, is my magic. I have my gift for elemental magic, which I’ve been nurturing. I have my training in combat magic, which has grown under Wilder’s tutelage.
But again, I’ve got these damn chains on my arms.
The touch of iron on my skin makes me feel like I’ve been drugged. It’s like I’m half asleep, unable to access my full strength. Even though I know my physical muscles aren’t affected, I actually feel weaker, and it’s awful.
I can’t shift. I can’t use magic.
I’m going to have to get ready for my mates’ arrival using nothing more than my human strength.
I move my wrists carefully, testing the way my chains are wrapped. This would be a hell of a lot easier if I could see what I was doing. As it is, I’ve got to go by feel alone. I have no idea if I’m making progress.