“Look at me, Milo!”

I slap him across the face, hard.

He jerks a little. His eyes make contact with mine and I grab him by the chin, forcing him not to look away.

I shake him a little. “Don’t do it,” I say. “Don’t let the wolf out. I shouldn’t have hit you, okay? I’m sorry I did it. But you need to keep it under control. We need to find a way to work together if we’re going to help Emlyn.”

“All of us,” Wilder says quietly from behind me.

God, I can’t stand it sometimes. I can’t stand that he’s limited in ways I’m not, that we have to wait for the new moon to pass.

But he also has something no members of Emlyn’s pack will have. He has magic on his side.

And he’s beaten them before.

Milo’s breathing is starting to stabilize. His shaking has stopped.

“We’ll do it your way,” I tell him.

“What?” Wilder asks.

“He’s right,” I say. “We should follow the scent and see what we can see. We should find out what’s going on. Once we’ve done that, we can make a plan.”

I turn to face Wilder.

“If they’re holding her,” I say, “if they’re not hurting her, and we can afford to wait, then we’ll wait until the new moon is past. But if she’s in immediate danger…”

I don’t have to finish my sentence. Wilder is already nodding. “Yes,” he says. “In that case, we act immediately.”



MydesireforVictoris impossible. Immutable. But it is good for one thing.

It’s probably impossible for him to get anywhere near me without my knowing about it first. It’s like an alarm.

I’m dozing with my head resting against the trunk of the tree when I feel the heat start to build. At first, it finds its way into my dream. I imagine myself in the capable, loving hands of my true mates.

Nate strips away my clothes slowly, his fingers trailing over my bare skin. I gaze up at him, hardly able to believe how handsome he is. I thread my fingers through his long brown hair and pull his face to mine—

The dream changes.

Wilder and I are in each other’s arms, and he’s moving inside me. I’m getting none of the pleasure and satisfaction I usually get from this. It’s as if, no matter how close we get, it isn’t close enough. There’s a terrible need in me that can’t be filled.

It changes again.

I’m with Milo. I’m screaming for him to fuck me, to fuck me harder and harder, that it isn’t enough, that I needmoreanddeeperand why isn’t he giving me what I need, he’s never withheld anything from me, I don’t understand—

My eyes fly open.

My whole body is drenched in sweat and heaving. I’m straining against my bonds, my hips rocking obscenely, searching for something that was never there. I have to fight to bring myself under control.

Victor is staring at me.

How long has he been standing there? I don’t know. But if those dreams are anything to go by, I have to assume it’s been a while.

He doesn’t approach.