“Emlyn, you stand there,” he says, tossing her a rock. “Milo, over here.”
Maybe Milo’s thinking along the same lines as I am because he says, “Shouldn’t we practice this first with something softer than a jagged rock?”
“Do you have a ball?” Wilder asks.
“You’ll learn faster with the rock because it will be direr.”
“Unless I bash her head in.”
“You won’t. You’re just going to be guiding it back and forth to each other at first, not using the force I did. At worst, one of you will get a bump on the head.” He turns to Emlyn. “Toss the rock to Milo. Milo, you’re going to try to use your shield to stop it before it hits you.”
“Am I supposed to push it at him?” Emlyn asks.
“Not this time,” Wilder says. “Just a regular human toss.”
Emlyn nods and tosses the rock.
Milo manages to stop it before it reaches him. It seems to come to a halt in midair, then falls to the ground as if it had bounced off something.
“Okay,” Wilder says after the two of them have repeated this a few times. “Now start pushing it back and forth toward each other.”
“How?” Emlyn asks.
“The same way you tried to push the Ravagers out of the coven,” he says.
She nods. “Okay, Milo,” she says. “Go ahead.”
He tosses the rock at her.
This time, instead of dropping to the ground, it rebounds with such force that Milo is forced to dodge to one side. “Shit!” he yells.
“Sorry,” Emlyn cries.
He grabs the rock, tosses it in the air, and then holds up his hand as Wilder did, sending it flying toward her. With a grin, Emlyn catches it and sends it back.
Freaky Moon Caster shit.
But it’s clear that they aren’t going to hurt each other, so I settle onto the ground to watch.
“Soyou’vebeenhookingup with her,” Milo says.
I glance at him. “Do we talk about it?”
“Sure,” he says. “Why not?”
“I don’t know,” I say. “I’m new. I don’t know what the protocol is.”
“Well, we all live in an underground restaurant together,” Milo points out. “It’s not like Nate and I haven’t heard the two of you going at it. We know.”
I nod. “Okay, yeah. We’ve been hooking up.”
It kind of feels like the wrong terminology for what’s been happening, actually. Emlyn and I haven’t talked about labels for each other, but I feel more bonded to her than I ever have to anyone in my life.