“I beat them,” he says quietly. “I tore them apart. I’ll tear up anyone who ever threatens you, Em.”
My whole body trembles at that.
He grabs my ankle and tugs, and I find myself flat on my back. His hands are working at my clothes frantically. He’s not being careful.
I push his hands away. “Wait,” I gasp, even though I’m already aching for him and want nothing more than for these stupid clothes to be gotten rid of. “Just wait.”
“We can’t afford to tear our things.”
In answer, he lets out a growl, grabs the fabric of my shirt in both hands, and rips it open, teeth bared, eyes bright.
I let out a groan, hotter than ever. That was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen in my life, and fuck the shirt. Quickly, I kick my way out of my pants before he can do the same to them. His blood is clearly still up from the fight with the Ravagers, and he’s in a mood totakewhat he wants, but these are my only pair of jeans.
He grabs my thighs and shoves them apart like they’re in his way, and then his mouth is on me. I can feel his tongue moving inside me, and I let my eyes fall closed so that I can lose myself in that sensation for a moment.
He licks me slowly, letting out a stifled moan as he does.
I want more. I want to feel his arousal and know beyond doubt that he’s loving this just as much as I am.
He’s so big, so much stronger than I am, but he doesn’t resist me when I find his shoulder with one of my feet and push him away. I sit up and crawl onto his lap, taking a moment to sit astride him and feel the bulge in his pants pressing against me. It feels impossible, for a moment, to tear myself away from him. It feels like his erection is going to rip through the denim between us and find its way to me. It’s that powerful. My legs tremble at the thought of it.
It takes monumental effort for me to climb off of him, to push him down onto his back.
I’m rewarded for my effort almost right away, though. I turn and settle over his face, lowering myself carefully down onto his mouth, which is open and ready. I feel the heat of his breath a moment before the rough wet of his tongue, and then his lips close against me and he’s suckling at me, andholy fuck,slow down, I don’t want to come, not yet,not yet.
Gasping and riding his face, I struggle to keep my head clear enough to slide his pants past his hips and free his cock. I take him in my hand, bending forward, guiding him to my mouth.
He lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a groan and a whine. I fucking love how powerful that sound makes me feel. It drives my own arousal even higher. My knees slide apart as I swallow him all the way down, loosening the muscles in my jaw and my throat, massaging him with my tongue. I’m sitting heavily on his face now, grinding on him, and I’m not even worrying about whether he can breathe or not because his arms are wrapped around my legs and holding me in place.
Locked together like this, absorbed in the overwhelming taste and scent and feel of each other, it’s impossible to think about anything else. It’s impossible to focus on anything that isn’t the heat of Nate throbbing in my mouth, the muscles twitching in his thighs, his tongue massaging me, fucking into me—
I’m not even aware of the precise moment when I start to come. The pleasure of it all is so consuming that all I know is that I’m lost in the feeling, and waves and waves of it are crashing over me, and there’s nothing in the world I want more than to be here with Nate, wrapped up in each other.
“Sofar,”Wildersays,“You’ve both been using really basic magic. The kind that’s taught to children.”
I frown. “That defensive magic we did to ward off the Ravagers when they attacked your coven didn’t feel very basic,” I say.
“We performed it at a high level,” Wilder said. “But thenatureof the magic was basic. It’s like…you learn how to walk when you’re a toddler, right? And as an adult, you can walk a lot farther and a lot faster. But the basic thing you’re doing—walking—is still the same. You’re doing something you learned when you were a child.”
“Okay,” Milo says. “So we’ve been walking. And today, you’re going to teach us, what, how to run?”
“No.” Wilder grins. “Today, I’m going to teach you how tofly.”
“Moon Casters can fly?” I ask.
“Not literally,” he says. “We’re going to do elemental magic.”
“Elemental magic,” I repeat.
“Have either of you ever done that before?”
“I don’t think so,” I say.