She grins at me shiftily as she undresses. I stand still and watch her. It’s making me hard just to see her, and it’s a little uncomfortable, but it’s hot as hell to see her getting naked for me in the middle of the road. I don’t want to interrupt what’s happening. So I don’t reach out for her breasts when she pulls her shirt over her head, even though her nipples are erect and just fucking begging to be teased. And when she’s naked at last, standing with her legs pressed tightly together to give herself whatever relief she can, I just take her in. I don’t touch her.
“Milo,” she says.
I look her up and down slowly.
She grits her teeth. “You’re awful.”
“I can go inside if I’m bothering you.”
“I fucking hate you sometimes.”
Well, I can’t very well let her talk to me likethat.
I take her by the shoulder and push her back against the brick wall. She lets out a rough gasp as she hits it, and for a moment, I wonder if that was a little too hard—but my question is answered almost immediately by the fact that she’s fumbling for my zipper.
I swat her hands away and press my thigh between hers.
Her head falls back against the brick, and she grinds against my leg with abandon. She’s completely fucking out of her mind with need, and this is how I like her.
“Do you want me to go inside?” I ask her huskily.
“No,” she groans.
“You don’t hate me."
“I fucking love you.”
“I can do whatever I want with you, right?”
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah, Milo, anything.”
That’s what I wanted to hear.
I shuck off my pants quickly and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and I lower her onto me. She cries out as I fill her, pulsing around me. I feel wild with pleasure.
The wind gusts around us as I fuck into her. She presses her palms against the wall behind her, giving herself more leverage, arching to meet me. I watch her breasts bounce as her body works—I don’t have a free hand right now—I lean forward and bury my face in their warmth and feel myself start to come.
Her legs tighten around me, and she cries out.
Overhead, I hear a clap of thunder. A moment later, I feel the first drops of rainwater on the back of my neck.
I lean forward, recovering my breath and bracing one hand on the wall, sheltering Emlyn from the rain from my body. Slowly, she lowers her feet back to the ground.
“Did I do this?” she asks shakily.
“What?” My head is still spinning, trying to catch up.
She holds out a hand, catching a raindrop. “The sky was clear a moment ago,” she says.
I realize what she’s saying. “Emmy, you couldn’t have done this,” I say. “You couldn’t cause a storm.”
“If Wilder could cause an earthquake—”
“Wilder’s trained,” I say firmly. “You’re not. You pulled up a few weeds today, that’s all. This is too big to have been you. Don’t worry about it.”