“You should come back with me and meet my coven,” Wilder says. “Then you’ll understand.”

Chapter 57

Foramoment,noneof us can speak.

Then I find my voice. “You want us to dowhat?”

“Come back and meet my coven,” Wilder repeats. “If you were raised by wolves, you haven’t got one of your own.”

I look over at Milo. Predictably, he seems as if he’s about to explode, as if he can’t even stomach what’s being discussed right now. Honestly, after what he’s told me about his past, I can’t blame him. This must be intolerable. It must be killing him.

How can I actually be considering it?

But I know why I’m considering it.

It’s because I’ve been wanting to find a coven of Moon Casters ever since I learned that I had that in me.

And now that I’m standing face to face with one of them, actuallytalkingto one of them—he seems like he does know some answers.

And he seems like he doesn’t want to kill me.

Both of those things are in desperately short supply right now.

“Yes,” I say, without consulting with Nate or Milo because I know what their answers would be. “We’ll come with you.”

“Hang on,” Nate objects.

“I’m going with him,” I say.

“Just like that? No discussion? Em—”

“It isn’t like that,” I say. “Don’t make it sound like something it’s not. You’ve known from the day you met me that I was looking for a coven of Moon Casters. You’ve always known that I would do this if I got the chance. Don’t make it seem like I’m taking you by surprise here.”

“And what about us?” he demands. “What about me? And Milo?”

I’m almost afraid to turn my back on Wilder. Not because I think he might attack—I feel pretty sure that he’s interested enough in me not to want to hurt me, at least for now.

But I’m a little afraid that he might disappear if I don’t keep him in my sight.

Still, I force myself to face Nate and Milo.

“I have to do this,” I tell them. “I have to know what I am.WhoI am. What you’ve been able to teach me about being a Moon Caster has been good, Milo, but it hasn’t been enough. I know I’m capable of more magic than I’ve been able to access so far.”

“And you really think you can learn it from a coven?” Milo asks. His voice is shaking with anger. “After what I’ve told you? After what they did tome?”

I walk up to him and take his hands. I knew this would be hardest on him.

“I want you with me,” I tell him quietly. “Come with me.”

“How can you ask me to do that?”

“I’m yours,” I tell him. “I’ll always be yours before I’m theirs.”

“And if we get there and it’s like I thought it would be? If I want to leave?”

“Then I’ll go with you,” I say. “And so will Nate.”

I don’t need to look at him for confirmation, but I do, and I see that he’s nodding.