Page 68 of Billion Dollar Date

Chari cocks her head to the side. “I’m too optimistic.”

“That’s one of those non-fault faults,” I say with a laugh. “And you know it.”

“And I’ve been told I’m a hypochondriac.”

“That I won’t argue with.” Chari has a long history of being convinced she has one ailment or another. Personally, I think it has something to do with her father. I can’t remember when she last brought him up in conversation, which I’m sure can’t be a good thing.

Though I’m no psychologist. If I were, I’d have fixed myself years ago.

“So that’s it? You like ketchup with eggs, and I’ll need to keep your doctor on speed dial? I think I can handle that.”

A shadow passes quickly across her face, and it’s obvious from her expression that her mood has turned more serious.

“What is it?”

Chari pretends to be nonchalant, but I can tell she’s anything but.

“I hope I can hang with all of this.”

“All of what?”

“This.” She waves a hand around the room. “The luxuries. The protocols. There are times I feel”—she frowns—“like a country bumpkin.”

I remember that feeling well.

“It’s a lot,” I admit. “But I had Hayden to show me the ropes. And you have me.”

I lean forward to make sure she understands this point is important. “More importantly, it doesn’t matter. If you use the wrong fork, say the wrong thing . . . I don’t give a shit. And neither should you.”

I can tell she’s not convinced, so I try a different tactic. Reaching for my phone, I press the screen to check the time and mumble, “Plenty of time.”

Her brows furrow. “For?”

I put down my coffee mug. “You have to ask?”

Chari realizes my intentions pretty quickly. I grab her as she stands from her chair, my hands not waiting until we reach the bed.

“If you ever decide to start wearing underwear,” I manage, “we’re done.”

Her laugh echoes in my ear just before it turns into the sweetest sharp gasp as I plunge my fingers into her wet warmth.

No, I don’t want to leave Switzerland. Or Chari.

But unfortunately, I have to do both today. Just not before I make sure this is one long weekend she won’t forget anytime soon.



“Oh my God, it’s Enzo.”

Lisa and I are on her couch, a pizza box on the table in front of us. From DeLuca’s, of course. I can’t help but think how different this Friday night is from the one I had a week ago.

Lisa was about to streamFrench Kiss,an old movie, but she has an unhealthy love affair with Kevin Kline. No one gets it, including me. Butthe news caught her attention. Our attention. Sure enough, there he is.

“Turn it up.” I lean forward to listen.

“A successful European launch of Angel, Inc. begins to raise some of the same questions as it has in the States. With the success of a unique alcohol and its accompanying antidote, will DeLuca and Tanner, owners of a now-global brand, be faced with mounting pressure from brewers and wine-makers alike to partner with them?”