“To me it is. What’s going on, Jamie?”
“I met a woman.”
“I saw you staring at her and sensed trouble. I know her well. We are close.”
“This is obviously not an ‘and then they lived happily ever after’ story.”
“I don’t think so.”
“It was supposed to be just sex. Hell, I fell in love with her.”
“She doesn’t feel the same?”
“I thought she might, but no, definitely not.” I showed him the text message.
“That doesn’t mean she’s not in love with you.”
“She’s fine with me sleeping with other women, Paul.”
“Is she? That’s not what I’m seeing. However, it sounds like she’s emotionally unavailable.”
“What can I do?”
“Nothing. I’m sorry. It sounds like she has things to work out for herself.”
“What do I do?”
“Walk away. Honestly, unless you think she’s worth the wait, it sounds like you could wait for a while. Try not to see her for a bit and it’ll probably get easier.”
“We are writing a damn book together.”
“Well, that complicates things. Try to act like you’re getting over her. Date other women. Maybe it’ll give her the push to reevaluate things.”
“Jamie, something made her so guarded.”
“Yeah, she was abused as a child.”
“Sexual abuse?”
I’m pretty sure that Paul knows all about her damage, but he must be trying to maintain confidentiality. “I don’t know for sure. I think so. She said it was as bad as I could imagine.”
“She sounds scared, Jamie.”
“The sex, I’m guessing from what you’ve described, has her feeling out of control.”
I sigh, “How’s April?”
“She’s fine.”
A stunning blonde approaches the table and introduces herself as Brittany. Paul says he has to go, but I really think he doesn’t want to impede on my attempts at moving on from Stella.
“Come up to my room, Brittany.”
“OK,” she says with a smile.