Page 33 of Infamous Heart


“Nothing,” I smiled, “looks like we’re still going to need that shower.”


“I’m coming,”he growled.

The warning was redundant. I could feel his girth expand as he buried his cock in my ass. Braced against the wall of his shower, there was nowhere to go, pinned between the tile and his cock. It was a marvelous place to be trapped.

Before he finished panting, while still buried inside, he pulled me away from the wall. Sliding one hand around my waist, he gripped my hard on, while the other found a home in the center of my chest. He continued a light rocking motion, reminding me he wasn’t done.

I bit my lip as his hand worked up and down the length of my shaft. Circling it with his pointer and thumb, the jerking turned rapid. He shoved deeper, and as his cock signaled its last hurrah, I shot my load on the shower wall.

With a shift of his hips, he slid free, and thankfully so. Everybody thinks a big cock is better, but on the receiving end, it can be touch and go. Perhaps if I hadn’t come, I’d be able to take a second round from him, but now? He’d be playing with himself alone before I let him fuck me again tonight.

“Time for bed?” he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck.

“In just a minute. Somebody just made a mess again.”

“What can I say?” he gave my ass a squeeze. “I enjoy knowing you’re full of my cum.”

I couldn’t deny his logic. It was hot. In theory. But the last thing I needed was his cum running down my leg. We were a bit too early in whateverthiswas to stain his carpets. I had to save something for the second trip to his loft.

I finished washing up before grabbing a towel and drying off. I wandered from the bathroom into the bedroom and, other than the location in the city, the money at Sebastian’s disposal wasn’t noticeable at first glance. But the more I studied the items lining his dresser, the collection of watches in a display box, or the expensive cologne, it was obvious he was a minimalistandwealthy.

“Feeling better?” he asked.

“Yeah, I needed that.” My cheeks warmed. “Shower wasn’t half bad either.”

Sebastian dropped his towel and fell back onto the bed, his legs hanging over the side. It was too early to call it a night, but I wasn’t going to turn down an opportunity to curl up and be close. I crawled onto the bed, so I lay perpendicular to him, my head resting on his stomach.

When he reached out, using his fingers to trace circles through my chest hair, I nearly purred. I could have laid there for the rest of the night, my head rising and falling every time he took a breath. Handsome man, check. Great sex, double check. Somebody willing to let me use them as a pillow? Check. Check. Check.

“That was impressive.”

“You’ve got a great ass. What can I say?”

I rolled over, propping myself on my elbows. “Appreciated. I meant what you did with Wraith. That was impressive. Cobalt and Zipper were knocked out of the fight by her, and you held your ground. If it wasn’t for you, who knows what would have happened to Vincent.”

“He deserved whatever she was going to do to him.”

The words lacked emotion, a strung together sentence built with icicles. I didn’t want to poke the bear and put us in jeopardy, but I needed to know the cause for the callous words.

“Vincent is a jerk, I get it. But death? That’s more than a little harsh.”

He rolled onto his side, so that we were looking at one another upside down. I don’t know if it was the closeness, or the fact we were naked in his bed, but this felt far more intimate than getting railed in the shower.

“Men like him…” his eyes rolled back in his head. “When I lived in Southland, we’d see people like him. They were these rich guys who strolled through the poor side of town like they were impressing us.”

“That seems a bit arrogant, even for the wealthy.”

“They believe they’re Gods. Worse than that, they want people to fall over themselves, desperate to worship at the altar of capitalism.”

It was hard to sympathize with a man who wore a suit that was more than my rent. I’m also pretty sure we were lying in a king-sized bed with feather-top duvet. He might have once been a poor kid from Southland, but that identity had been buried underneath dollar signs.

“It drove me nuts. We barely had food on our table, and they were driving cars that could have paid for one of the good private schools. But what makes me angry,” his lip tightened in a sneer, “it worked. People flocked to them just for a chance to bask in their opulence.”

“You think Vincent is like one of those idiots?” It was hard to deny what a horrific boss he had been. I could easily see him flaunting his success, the same success he robbed from the pockets of his employees.