
Thepastcoupleofminutes are almost too much to process. The past couple of hours are just as surreal.

With each footstep, I’m closer to living out another of my fantasies I have of my boss. There’s a mental row of file cabinets worth of fantasies, but making out with him…which is all I’m committing to right now, is a great start. Or should I say, a great continuation since a few others got moved to the completed drawer already?

Stopping beside him, I look up. They’re staggeringly identical, but I’ve never been this close to Lincoln, and the closeness makes Jefferson seem taller, broader, hotter.

He pushes off the counter, faces me, and cups my head in his hands. Is it possible to feel like I belong to him? Maybe that’s what he meant by his sixth sense comment.

“Baby Doll, let me be everything for you, not just while we’re trapped here, but when the road is clear and we can go back into the world, into our regular lives. Tell me that you’ll still be mine.”

Swoon, bone liquefication complete. I’m not sure how I’m still standing. But he can’t possibly mean what he said.

“That’s a big promise. What if things don’t work out? I might only be good at office work and not bedroom stuff.”

A humored huff rumbles through him. “I don’t have any doubts, Baby Doll, but if you’re worried, no promises are necessary.”

“Thanks.” Is he perfect, or is it just my naïveté falling prey to a playboy? Either way, I’ve protected myself by not promising anything. I won’t fall apart and cryo-preserve myself with Haagen Dazs if he moves on.

“Mind if I offered some of those lessons I mentioned earlier?” He trails the back of his fingers down my neck.

“That’s a good place to start.”

His eyes flit to my lips, and he catches my tongue wetting them. It makes him smile. He looks so handsome when he smiles, something Lincoln rarely does.

He leans slowly and his lips part. Mine follow suit until he’s too close and I can’t focus. It’s too intense to look into his eyes, so I close mine and accept the first few pecks he puts on my lips.

I want more. I want him inside of me. He’s driving me crazy with the slowness, and yet, I’ve given him every indication that I want to go slowly. Sliding my tongue between his lips, I give him permission to proceed to the next lesson.

Having his tongue inside of me changes me. We become one with each other at this superficial but important level. He lets me lead for a second then takes over, guiding me on our dance. Dipping me deeper and deeper into what we can be.

I don’t need breath. I only need Jefferson. But when his kisses trail over my cheek and down my neck, new shivers race through me. A nip at my earlobe gives me a shudder, and the knot in my core tightens.

“Do you ever touch yourself?” he asks between kisses.

I shake my head no even though I have. How can he be so bold? Or am I even more naïve than I thought?

“Are you lying to me?” He takes my hand and cups it between my legs. “You’ve never put your hand here?”

I nod and pinch my eyes shut, shamed at being caught in a lie, and afraid that if I open them, I’ll somehow break the spell.

The pressure of his hand on mine relents and he lifts his hand to stroke my hair. I let my hand linger a second.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s healthy. Now open your eyes and tell me.

Is this part of the lesson? I flutter my eyes open and the darkness helps me not feel so vulnerable. “I’ve touched myself.”

His eyes are tender as they own me. “Fuck yeah, Baby Doll, that’s hot.”

Surprise causes me to suck in a large awkward inhale. His statement is one I never imagined anyone telling me.

He tries to lace his fingers in mine, but I’m so overflowing with sexual tension, I can’t navigate the finger separation required.

“Are you nervous?”


“Do you trust me?”