“Your dad and I were well acquainted,” Charlie told her. “He came over all the time when I was out in the shop.”
Lisa didn’t mention Sandie coming over to visit, so Hannah guessed that hadn’t happened. While her stepmother was a social creature, Sandie had her friends in GraceTown. She’d once told Hannah that she wasn’t particularly interested in making new ones.
According to her father, Sandie had already made a lot of new friends in Sun City. Of course, there she didn’t have a choice.
“I’m betting the food stampede should slow in the next fifteen minutes.” Lisa gestured to the table. “Maybe once things slow down, you can grab a plate of food and join me.”
“We could eat now if you want.”
“I’d like to wait until the guests get settled.” Lisa paused as if a thought had just occurred to her. “Unless you’re hungry and ready to eat now, then we can—”
“I had a snack midafternoon, so I’m fine,” Hannah assured her. “I’ll just mingle for a few minutes.”
Lisa patted her arm. “You two go on ahead, then.”
Startled, Hannah blurted, “I thought you’d come with us.”
“You’ve got Charlie.” Lisa gestured. “See that couple over there?”
Hannah followed the direction of Lisa’s nod. “Man and woman? Early fifties?”
“They’re the Sandersons, Don and Nancy. They’re new to the area. They live in the house painted barn red.” Lisa lifted a hand and waved at them. “I want them to feel welcome. I’ll see you both soon.”
As Lisa haltingly made her way across the close-cropped lawn, Hannah turned to Charlie. “You can go with her if you want. Don’t feel you have to stick with me.”
“It’s best if she goes alone.” Placing a hand lightly against the small of her back, Charlie began walking toward the back of the lawn.
“Why is that?” Curiosity had Hannah falling into step beside him.
“I don’t know why it happens, but sometimes—often, really—when people see a person with a cane or a wheelchair, it makes them uncomfortable, and they end up talking to the other person.”
“You think they’d talk with me or you rather than with her?”
“Odds are.” Charlie shrugged. “This way, they’ll get acquainted and see past the cane.”
“It’s hard to believe that anyone—”
“It was worse when she was in a wheelchair.”
Hannah pulled her brows together. “I didn’t realize your mother uses a wheelchair.”
“She doesn’t. Not regularly. This new medicine the doctor has her on has made a big difference. We still have the wheelchair.” Charlie’s tone remained matter-of-fact. “She uses it if we go anywhere where a lot of walking would be involved.”
For the first time, it struck Hannah, really struck her, how lucky Lisa was to have a son like Charlie. His presence in his mother’s life allowed her to maintain her independence. Or, at least as much as that was possible.
“You’re a good son.”
“I’m the best.” He grinned. “At least that’s what I tell her.”
Charlie stopped just short of the horseshoe pit.
From the conversation going on between the four men standing there, their game had concluded, and they were ready for food.
“Hey, guys.” Charlie’s voice drew their attention. “I’d like to introduce you to Hannah Danbury. She’s Leon Beahr’s daughter.”
Charlie introduced the men, but the names jumbled together, and a second later, Hannah couldn’t recall who was who or who lived where.
“I know you’re eager to eat, but I have a quick question for you.” Charlie’s tone remained easy. “Have any of you seen or heard of a house in the woods?”