“But I’m telling you that you still won. He’s not going to be able to do this to other women, and maybe other guys who are considering taping their sex-capades without their partner’s consent will think twice and realize how much they have to lose. The world might be unfair, but you can still be proud that you fought the good fight.”
“I am proud of that,” Eve agreed. “But I really hate how this is affecting Anson.”
Britt arched a brow as she broke off a piece of scone.
“His campaign manager thinks I’m toxic.”
“Jerome?” Britt wrinkled her nose. “I never did like him.”
“Me either.” Eve’s laugh released some of the tension building inside her.
Britt’s expression turned suddenly serious. “Though the thing to keep in mind is that the more public you and Anson are, the more the video will stay in the news. You guys need to brace yourselves for that.”
The phone in Eve’s pocket buzzed. Pulling it out, she quickly read the email and resisted the urge to sigh.
Britt pushed to her feet. “I’m afraid I’m going to need to cut this party short. I have a meeting with a potentially new client, so I need to scoot.”
Eve walked Britt to the door. “Oh wait, you forgot your champagne.”
Lifting a hand, Britt shook her head. “You enjoy it.”
Then Britt’s arms stole around Eve for a hug. “Take care of you.”
Britt stepped back and opened the door to find Anson standing there. “Hello.”
“Hi, Britt.” He glanced from one woman to the other. “Am I interrupting?”
“Not at all.” Britt flashed that trademark smile. “I’m just leaving, and there is some fabulous champagne left for you and Eve to enjoy.”
“Thanks, Britt,” Eve said again. “You and your champagne can stop over anytime.”
Laughter as Britt hurried to the stairwell was her only response.
Eve turned to Anson, pleasure sliding like warm honey through her veins. Brushing a kiss across his cheek, she stepped aside and motioned him inside. “I didn’t realize you were coming over.”
“I didn’t realize there was a party going on, or I’d have been here sooner.” He glanced at the table. “Looks like a celebration.”
“Britt surprised me.” Eve looped her arm through his. “Since you don’t drink, I’ve got coffee to go with the scones.”
“I’d like that.”
Instead of sitting at the table, they took their scones and coffee to the sofa.
Admiration filled Anson’s eyes. “I watched your interview. You handled Calista like a pro.”
“She didn’t stick to the script, but I did my best to keep us on track.”
“You did an excellent job of redirecting her.”
“Thanks, Anson. Coming from you, that means a lot.”
His fingers toyed with a few strands of her hair. “I spoke with your brother this morning.”
“Which one?”
“Cameron. He told me that June is having the PI look up owners of 1959 Impalas.”
“I thought her detective friend was already on that.”