Page 12 of The One I Love

“I’m not trying to minimize the pain and embarrassment this is causing you, and if I could take that away from you, I would. Just remember that you are an intelligent woman with the ability to learn from this situation and come out on the other end stronger because of it.”

* * *

Anson reached the garage at Silver Creek shortly before ten thirty, eager to see Eve. He regretted going into the office. His father had been there, and Anson had been forced to endure a variation on Jerome’s message. Only this time, it had been how him being associated with Eve Driskill could negatively impact Mountain High.

The instant he slowed the Range Rover to turn into the garage, the SUV was surrounded by reporters calling out questions.

“How’s it feel to see your girlfriend naked in bed with another man?”

“Are you and Eve still together?”

“Do you and Eve have any videos to share?”

Anson kept his gaze focused straight ahead, relieved that the guards waved him right through. Thankfully, Eve had alerted them that he was coming.

Taking the express elevator to Eve’s level, Anson slowly made his way down the hall, using the time to steady himself and consider what to say to Eve. For a second, he paused outside her door. Then he knocked.

He smiled when the door opened, relieved to see her. Her makeup and hair might be flawless, but he saw the fatigue and strain on her face.

“You look like you didn’t sleep any better than I did last night,” he said.

Her lips quirked upward, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I guess I’m not as good at covering up as I thought.”

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “You don’t have to cover up for me. You and I, we keep it real. We don’t need to pretend with each other.” He held her at arm’s length, then gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. “Promise you won’t get scared and shut me out.”

Her lips, a pretty pink, quivered ever so slightly. “I promise.”

With one arm still around her, Anson paused. “How’d it go with Hal and Johnny this morning?”

She’d texted him on her way to the penthouse.

“They were wonderful.”

Anson exhaled the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

“Loving and supportive.” Eve’s lips curved. “I love them both so much.”

“I’m glad they were supportive.”

“Me, too.” She inclined her head. “I’ve got coffee in the kitchen. Freshly brewed. Care to join me?”

“Sounds good.” As they crossed the living room, Anson took Eve’s hand and found it ice-cold.

Once they faced each other across her small kitchen table, steaming cups in front of them, Eve brought up the subject on both of their minds. “I’m guessing by now you’ve seen the video.”

Anson kept his gaze steady. “I told you I haven’t.”

Surprise skittered across her face. “I know you didn’t immediately believe Jerome, but… You really didn’t watch it? Any of it?”

He shook his head.

Eve expelled a ragged breath and wrapped her fingers around the mug, as if seeking its warmth. “I know we’ve touched on this, but I feel like I need to say this to your face. It was me. I chose to have sex with him, Anson, but I didn’t consent to being recorded.”

Eve’s gaze dropped to her hands. Then she lifted her head and met his gaze. “I feel angry I’ve been placed in this position. I don’t like having my body out there for everyone to look at, but what I’m sorriest for is how this could affect you.”

“Don’t worry about—”

She grasped his hand. “I do worry. I never wanted to do anything that could hurt you. Now it seems I have.”