“Go on.” Anson pushed the words past suddenly frozen lips.
“Though the video will be out there forever, you’re right that these kinds of things tend to blow over in time. The public, especially those who love salacious gossip, tend to quickly move on.” Jerome paused and spoke slowly, as if navigating a minefield. “It will blow over unless you keep it alive.”
“How would I keep it alive?”
“Each time Eve accompanies you to a fundraiser or has anything to do with the campaign, that video will resurface, and the talk will start all over again.” Jerome inclined his head. “Is that what you want for yourself? For her?”
Bringing any more attention to this video wasn’t what Anson wanted. He loved Eve and wanted to do what he could to protect her, not bring her more pain.
Still, he wasn’t convinced that walking away from her, even if he could bring himself to do it, would be the right course of action.
Anson raked a hand through his hair, unable to think clearly at the moment.
As if sensing Anson’s defenses weakening, Jerome pressed his point.
“I get it. I do. You love the woman. But we’ve been working on this campaign for a year. You, me, the volunteers, we’ve put so much time and energy into this.” Jerome’s tone turned persuasive. “Think about all your plans, all the work you want to do to help people in this city once you’re in office. If that’s still important to you, you should be doing everything you can to get there, not deciding it’s not important because of your girlfriend.”
Anson stood. “I need time to consider all options.”
“Understood.” Jerome rose as well. “In the meantime, I’ll draft a statement.”
Anson whirled.
Jerome held up a hand. “I’ve already had many media requests asking for you to comment. We need to give them something.”
“Then draft something, but I approve every word that goes out on this issue.” Anson met Jerome’s gaze. “Understand?”
Once again, Anson turned toward the office door. This time, he was nearly there when Jerome called out.
“Where are you headed?”
With his mind whirling, Anson ignored the question and strolled out.
* * *
Once Nyla left her apartment, Eve sent an email to her staff, letting them know that no public statements should be made. She assured the members of her management team that she would explain more in time, but for now they should know that she’d been unaware the video existed and had not given consent for her private moments to be recorded.
After rereading the email, she made a few wording changes for clarity. Then she added the name of the senior Driskill family attorney to the email.
The tight band around her chest and the way her hand shook as she hit send had her scrolling to her meditation app. Before she could find the specific meditation for “relaxing after finding out you’re the star of an online sex tape,” a text from Britt popped up.
May I come over?
Eve liked her brother’s fiancée, liked her a lot. Recalling Nyla’s suggestion about speaking with Britt had Eve wondering if Britt had reached out on her own or at Nyla’s suggestion.
No matter.
Sure. I’m here and not going anywhere,Eve texted back.
Seconds later, a knock sounded at the door. The quick response wasn’t surprising since Britt and JR lived only one floor up.
Still, Eve glanced through the peep before opening the door.
“I come bearing gifts.” Britt, a pretty woman a few years older than Eve, with sun-streaked blond hair and a bright smile, held up a clear bag filled with brightly wrapped candies.
Eve stepped aside. “Come in, and I’ll pour us each a glass of wine to go with the treats you’ve brought.”