Page 34 of The One I Love


Chapter One

There’s something about his eyes.

Brittany Appleton stood in the crowded waiting area of the small eatery in Denver’s Golden Triangle and tried not to stare. The man who’d captured her attention sat alone at a two-top near the far wall.

She judged him to be in his late twenties, about her own age. Though his broad shoulders had a confident set, he wasn’t the type she normally noticed. Not with all that scruffy facial hair. She much preferred the clean-shaven look. She tried to figure out what drew her to him. Other than those incredible baby blues.

It wasn’t his wardrobe. Britt loved fashionable men, and this guy, dressed in a navy T-shirt, worn jeans and work boots, fell short in that department.

Seriously, who went out in public dressed like that on a Friday night? Still, her gaze kept slipping back to him. There was something about those eyes…

Britt had nearly reached the front of the line when her own eyes, which were idly scanning the dining area, met his. She couldn’t look away. For several heartbeats, time stood still.

Her lips curved upward. When he smiled back, a rush of warmth flooded her. Casually, she lifted her phone and shifted her gaze. She pretended interest in several recent messages from friends in Pennsylvania.

As she read about their Friday-night plans, she wondered how much longer she’d have to wait to eat. The tables were full, and most of the customers were just now getting their food. The group before her, four girlfriends beginning their night on the town with a meal, scored the only table to open up in the last ten minutes.

“How many?” the harried hostess asked Britt when she returned after seating the foursome.

Britt held up one finger. “How long?”

“Hard to say.” The woman, mid-thirties with an unruly strand of curly brown hair that kept falling over one eye, shot her a weary smile.

“I’ll wait.”

The hostess nodded before hurrying off. “I’ll seat you as soon as I can.”

Britt’s stomach rumbled and had her considering whether she should stay. The decision was difficult because of the amount of time she’d already invested. Besides, her online search showed this place offered an eclectic menu and reasonable prices.

Reviews of the specialty burgers had made her mouth water. Then again, since she’d hardly had anything to eat all day, it was likely anything remotely resembling food would have her salivating.

She just hadn’t expected the lengthy wait.


Like a hunting dog who’d caught the scent, Britt jerked her head up. The hostess was back.

Britt gave the woman her full attention. “You have a table?”

The brunette hesitated, then gestured toward Mr. Blue Eyes. “The man over there has invited you to share his table. If you’re interested, I can seat you now.”

Britt glanced at the man, who lifted a hand slightly as if to confirm he was the guy in question.

“Sure. Okay. That works.” As she followed the hostess across the dining area, Britt told herself it was no different than sitting next to a stranger at a bar. If she got a weird vibe, she’d leave.

But, if he was a decent guy, she’d get her food faster and have someone to talk with while she ate.

To her surprise, once she reached the table, he stood and pulled out her chair.

Mr. Blue Eyes had manners. A check mark in the Positive column.

“Thanks for sharing your table.” She smiled over her shoulder as he pushed in her chair. “I’m Britt Appleton.”

“Well, Britt, the chair was going to waste, and I’ve been here enough to know you were looking at a long wait.” He resumed his seat, then extended a hand. “Amos Lee.”

Britt gave his hand a firm shake. She’d expected to find it work-hardened and callused, but though his grip was strong, his skin was surprisingly smooth. His nails, cut short, were clean.