Page 22 of The One I Love

For several seconds, Eve simply stared at Calista in disbelief. “No.”

“Jason Evers came out with a statement today that said you knew you were being taped and that you approved of him posting the video on social media.”

“Jason Evers is a liar.”

“That’s a strong accusation to make against a respected attorney.”

“It’s not an accusation. It’s a fact.”

Calista arched a brow. “Do you have proof?”

“Jason called me. He asked me not to pursue charges against him for his crime.” Eve spoke matter-of-factly. “I asked him why he would do something like that, record something so intimate, without my knowledge or consent. You know what his answer was?”

Calista gave a little shake of her head. “No. Tell me.”

“He said he knew I wouldn’t agree.”

A look of faux sympathy crossed Calista’s face. “Unfortunately, your story isn’t proof. This is a case of he said, she said.”

“Not at all. I recorded the call and listened to it afterward with my attorney. His words are very clear.” Eve’s cool-eyed gaze settled on Calista. “Now, let’s get back to the reason I’m here this morning. My team and I are really excited about the upcoming launch of EVE.”

* * *

“Gary?” Lynn called out to him from the kitchen. His wife had just returned from grocery shopping and likely needed help carrying in the bags.

That wasn’t what had his heart racing. Gary stiffened his spine. He’d known what was coming the second he’d heard the garage door go up.

Telling himself to play this cool, he forced a casual tone as he strolled into the kitchen. “The kids are playing at the Johnsons’. We’re supposed to pick them up at six.”

Gary had made sure the boys wouldn’t be around when their mother arrived home. He didn’t want any distractions when he and Lynn talked about the accident that killed Aubrey Parker.

“Only two sacks?” He gestured to the brown bags sitting on the counter. “Or are there more in the car?”

Even as he asked the question, Gary strolled to the door leading to the garage.

“This is all of them. Gary?” Puzzlement blanketed his wife’s pretty face. “The Impala isn’t in the garage.”

“I know.” He turned and forced a calm he didn’t feel. “I sold it.”

“You sold it?” Surprise had her voice rising and her eyes widening. “Why would you do that? You love that car.”

“I know how much you’ve been wanting a back deck and a few other things done around the house.” The excuse he’d practiced rolled easily off his tongue. “I hardly ever drove it anyway.”

“But you loved it,” she said again, stepping to him.

Enfolding her in his arms, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you more.”

She emitted a happy sigh, then stepped back. “Did you sell it to Dennis?”

“My cousin doesn’t have enough money to buy it.”

Reaching around him, Lynn pulled a carton of ice cream from a sack and placed it in the freezer. “Did you even ask?”

“I didn’t,” Gary told her. “You know he doesn’t have the money. Not with the baby coming.”

“Probably not,” she grudgingly agreed.

After grabbing a box of cereal, Gary opened a cupboard. “Is this where you want this?”