Page 2 of The One I Love

She knew others who’d experienced betrayal, so her trust had been hard-earned.

A knock at her door had fear skittering up her spine. She reassured herself that the building had excellent security.

Another knock sounded.

“Eve, it’s Nyla. I saw your car in the garage. I know you’re in there. Please, can we talk?”

Eve rose and crossed the room. Though she didn’t want to speak to or see anyone until after she’d wrapped her head around what was happening, she wouldn’t turn away family.

She pulled open the door, and her sister, her beautiful, confident sister, stepped into the room. For Eve, looking at Nyla was like seeing how she would look in six or seven years.

There was enough of an age difference between them that they’d never been super close, but Eve loved and admired her sister.

Eve wasn’t sure what to think when her normally undemonstrative sister pulled her into a hug and squeezed tight.

“It will be okay,” Nyla said before abruptly releasing her. “All I can say is it must be a slow news day if a sex tape from four years ago has the gossip sites this jazzed.”

Sex tape.

Eve flinched.

Nyla reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “Look at it this way. The video is out there now. No one can blackmail you with it.”

Eve had to laugh at that. “Why does that suddenly seem like a good thing?”

“Because it is.”

Shakier than she cared to admit, Eve gestured to the sofa. “Please. Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?”

“Do you have any hard stuff?” Nyla asked. “I think this moment calls for whiskey.”

“Fresh out.” Eve chuckled and took a seat at the far end of the sofa. When Nyla sat, all sleek and stylish in her wrap dress and boots, Eve turned to face her. “You’ve seen the video.”

“I have.” Nyla’s blue depths reflected sympathy. “What can you tell me about this guy?”

“His name is Jason Evers. We dated most of my freshman year in college. We parted friends, and I hadn’t heard from him in years. Well, until last month, that is.”

Nyla’s eyes narrowed. “What happened last month?”

“He private-messaged me out of the blue and asked that I call him.”

“Did you?”

Eve nodded.

“What did he want?”

“He was considering an offer from a law firm in Denver. His parents still live in Iowa, and the relocation from San Diego would put him within driving distance of them.”

Nyla frowned.

“I think he wanted to see if I’d be interested in seeing him again,” Eve volunteered.

Her sister’s gaze turned watchful.

“I told him that the media reports he’d likely seen on Anson and me were accurate, that we’re a couple and exclusive.”

“How did he take that news?”