Page 76 of Dark Prince


If someone had told me a year ago that I’d be sleeping with Matteo De Salvo, much less married to him, I would have laughed in their face at the implausibility of that ever occurring. Even after I realized that I had finally caught his attention, I had zero intent of being another notch in his bedpost or a second baby momma to another kid of his.

In hindsight, I ended up doing both, or will be when our child is born, but I will stab a bitch—Matteo included—if another woman comes along thinking she can take what’s mine.

He’s mine. Brooklyn is now mine, and the life growing inside me is mine too. Daddy is most certainly mine. He needs me, because I haven’t determined if Giovanni can be trusted yet. For some reason, I like the man, and that irks me. He hasn’t proven himself trustworthy or even a vital member of this family.

The whole godfather thing was sprung on me and that’s all kinds of messed up since he’s never been in mine or my brothers’ lives until last month. He’s taken to Brooklyn in the last few weeks like she’s the brightest star he’s ever laid eyes on, and well, she is his great-niece and a cool kid, so maybe that shouldn’t stand out, but it does. I just haven’t figured out why, but I will. After my experience with Vin, I won’t give blind faith to another person. I hadn’t realized I had with Vin until he opened that car door to reveal my now stepdaughter in order to kidnap me.

It didn’t escape my notice that G wasn’t seated on the groom’s side, nor the bride’s during the ceremony an hour ago. I eyed everyone as I walked down the aisle, my right arm looped around my father’s left one. Giovanni was missing, which struck me as odd, yet again, maybe it shouldn’t. The man is supposed to be rotting in a prison cell where another man is currently serving that sentence for him. I still don’t know the story behind that, and it’s likely I never will, but what is the point of being out if you’re still hiding?

“Why did I agree to be a part of this bullshit?” Sasha strides up next to where I’m standing, looking at all the people in attendance at my wedding reception. The sun just set and we’re out on the open patio platform of Daddy’s restaurant, Casa dell’Ariana, the one he named after my late mother. Unlike the wedding, I know most everyone here. All of Dad’s captains except Leo are here, including their wives and children. I’m not surprised that Leo isn’t in attendance. He has a lot of mess to sort out and reorganize down South, building not just a team but profitable businesses.

“Because the boss said, wear this dress and stand here. When the boss says jump, you don’t ask how high, you just jump and pray you did so high enough that you don’t land back on the ground with his foot in your ass.” I sigh. “It would have looked odd if I only had Brooklyn as a bridesmaid. Since it looks like you’re planning to remain a Caputo, you had a part to play, bitch.”

“Just to be clear, this doesn’t mean we actually have to be friends now, right?”

I roll my head to my right, taking in her pinched brows and the dress she’s wearing. I didn’t pick out hers or Brooklyn’s dress, but I have to hand it to Dad, he nailed it. Her dress looks good on her, not that I’d admit that out loud or anything, but it’s the truth, nonetheless. Brooklynn’s was a modified version. My stepdaughter’s dress didn’t have the split that Sasha’s does.

“Fuck no!” I say louder than called for, resulting in a few glances from people that are standing close by. Matteo’s father, Pete, being one of them that I notice from my peripheral vision. I haven’t gotten a chance to really get to know the man, but he seems far too laid back for the profession he used to do.

Lowering my voice, I say, “You need to off someone again, I’ll tag along, but . . . I’d rather kick your ass any day than be friends with you. You, me, and niceties do not mix. ”

“Same, bitch, same.” She snickers and then turns to look at the people mingling, some drinking champagne, some whiskey, and a few with a bottle of beer in their hands. “Besides, it would be me kicking your ass, not the other way around. If you remember, I’ve done it once already. I’m one to your zero.”

“That’s only going to last until our babies are born. Then it’s on.” I smirk as I turn to face her, crossing my arms. “Since I’ll give Daddy his first grandchild before you, I’ll—” A belly laugh bursts from her lips, making me pause mid-sentence.

“What are you, Si, four, five weeks along? Tell me.”

“Seven,” I bite out through clenched teeth.

“I’m ten weeks.” Her shoulder shrugs. “Guess mine is going to be the first for both of our fathers.”

“Bitch,” I spit out as I step into her personal space, my nose an inch from hers. “I hear they schedule deliveries now. Don’t think for one minute that I’m going to let you one-up me on this. I’m giving Daddy his first grandchild, so back the fuck off.”

“Both of you are nearly six years too late for that, dumbasses. Matteo gave me my first grandchild.” We both turn our heads at the same time. My father stands before us, a tumbler filled with amber liquid in one hand and Brooklyn attached to his hip on the opposite side with a smirk on his lips that trumps my own from moments ago. His words sink in, and I know neither Sasha nor I can refute that fact when I take in the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on Brooklyn’s face. “Feel free to team up and kick his ass if it makes either of you feel better. I’d pay to watch that match.”

“My husband has bled enough today, don’t you think?” I was forced to change out of my wedding dress after the ceremony because blood dripped down Matteo’s arms and onto my gown as the priest was conducting the service. I hadn’t noticed until Martina’s gasp could be heard echoing throughout the chapel. When I caught her stare and dropped jaw, I glanced down to a river of red running over Matteo’s hand and onto my white dress. He said it was nothing, but I knew who the wound originated from and glared at my father from where he’d taken a seat next to Krishna. My brothers were standing on Matteo’s other side as groomsmen like Brooklyn and Sasha were on mine.

“Papa T,” Brooklyn calls as her little hands go to his cheeks, pulling his eyes to meet hers. “Did you hurt my daddy?”

“He deserved it.” She purses her lips, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. My father pins her with his stare that is half assertive dad mode and the other half boss mode. “Careful who you cop an attitude with, little girl. You aren’t ready to take me on yet. You aren’t even ready to take on these two. Stick to starting shit with the kids your own age for now.”

“Dad!” I scold. “You did not just tell her that.” I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Sasha laughs next to me, and if she wasn’t pregnant with my brother’s baby, I’d elbow her in the face.

“Of course I did. Unlike you two quitters, I finally have a girl that loves Jiu-Jitsu. Give me a couple of years with her and she really will be kicking both of your asses.”

“We are not quitters,” Sasha stammers, folding her arms across her chest as she mirrors my own stance toward my father.

“Just because we don’t like sweaty, nasty people all up in our personal space does not mean we’re quitters, Dad. What are you even talking about? Brooklyn started Muay Thai training three weeks ago.”

“I’m doing both, Si. It’s fun. I’m going to kick everyone’s butts.”

“Excuse me?” My brow lifts.

“You heard her. She’s doing both. Wants to make her Papa T proud, don’t you, Brooklyn?” She nods, a broad smile on her pretty face. “You two should think about joining her. Otherwise, she’ll eventually have a black belt when she’s my age and neither one of you will even have made it to a blue one.”

“Not doing that boring-ass shit again. I got what I wanted out of it.” Sasha chuckles, and I know she’s referring to my brother. I could continue being a bitch, and I likely will about other things, but what’s the point when it comes to her marriage to my brother? I’ve decided to accept it and move on. It’s better for my relationship with my twin anyway.