Page 57 of Dark Prince

“Oh, so big man was all fucking talk before? What happened to, I’m going to break your bon—” He’s on me before I can get all the words out of my mouth. Snatching my left hand before I pull back, he twists my finger until I feel a snap. The break registers before the pain does, my eyes going wide.

“Stop!” Ren yells from somewhere, but I can’t see him with Dom blocking everything.

“Argh,” I can’t help myself from releasing the sound, but I clamp my teeth together to stifle anything else from leaving my mouth.

“Get the fuck off me,” Ren hollers, leaving me to guess Krishna stopped him from rushing to us.

“Leave, brother. This is between the misses and me. Submit, Sasha. Put the goddamn ring on and submit.”

“Go to Hell,” I spit at him again, the saliva covering his chin and mouth. Using the sleeve of his shirt where his bicep is covered, he wipes it off the best he can.

“Get off her, Dom,” Ren continues, and I hear scuffling with my brother. Someone grunts, but I don’t know if it’s Ren or Krishna.

Dom’s fist lands on the back of my thigh like I’m being hit with a sledgehammer. He repeats the act, hitting me in the same spot. Digging my heels into the rubber floor again, I push myself back in another attempt to get out from under him. He moves with me, and this time, his hand finds the back of my head where he fists the strands of my hair, lifting my head toward his face.

“One last chance,” he barks.

“Stop this, Dom. I fucking mean it,” Ren shouts.

“Your sister hits harder than you do,” I say back, laughing in his face even though my finger is throbbing, my leg aches, and my mouth stings. All in all, he’s being soft on me, but if he thinks I’m going to throw up my hands in surrender, he’s going to have to bring more than this.

“She isn’t here or I would have made her do this shit instead of me, you dumb bitch. Put on the goddamn ring.” Domenico’s eyes glare. He wants to pulverize something, yet I don’t get the feeling that something is me. Sure, he’s mad, and given I did break his one order, I probably deserve whatever lesson he thinks he’s giving.

The thing is, I’m always going to do what I want and what I want, consequences be damned.

Lifting my arm, I tuck my fist close to my body and swing my elbow, connecting with his jaw. He doesn’t flinch, and that pisses me off more than anything else he’s done tonight, my broken finger included.

Oh, this motherfucker!

“She’s pregnant!” Ren yells, his voice sounding urgent. There is a flash of surprise in Domenico’s eyes. They probably mirror my own, because what the actual fuck is he talking about?

Pregnant? Me?

Is Ren serious or just trying to stop his brother from kicking my ass? God, I hope it’s the latter, because there is absolutely no way I’m motherhood material. Who the hell would saddle a child with me?

“When she submits,” Dom says, his hand tightening around my throat as more pressure cuts off the little bit of air I was getting. He pushes my head back down to the floor. “Put on the goddamn ring and submit, Sasha.”

“Just fucking do it,” Ren says. “I’m going to kill you, Dom.”

Wait, what did Domenico say? Sounded like another order, but all I can comprehend is that I might be pregnant. Shit. When was the last time I had my cycle? We’ve been here nearing a month, and it hasn’t shown up.

Wasn’t I supposed to get it the same week I arrived? Oh, crap. I am late. I’m motherfucking late. No, not late. I missed my period. I’ve never missed a period. Hell, I really am pregnant, aren’t I?

“The fucking ring already,” Dom shouts.

“Okay, okay,” I concede, lifting my hands. Then I feel all over the rubber floor until my hand wraps around the black velvety box Domenico tossed on the floor. Without looking at what’s on the inside, I flip the box open, pull out the ring, and force it onto my finger, hoping it’s the right finger. “Happy now?”

Dom releases me, then stares down at me for a beat, our eyes locked. The moment ends, and he jumps up, cracking his neck from side to side. Turning away from me, he looks at Ren, where Krishna still has him in a hold. “I hope she’s worth all this fucking effort.”

“I’m still going to murder you for this,” Ren seethes.

“Bring it, little brother.”

Dom walks past him and out the door. Krishna shoves Ren forward and does the same, following Domenico. Ren’s stare goes from my eyes down to my hand. He’s angry, but he’s also still exhausted, and it’s palpable to see.

Shaking his head, he says, “Fuck this.” Then he pivots and storms out the door. All that and he has nothing else to fucking say to me. Just great.