Page 77 of Mafia Maiden


I giggled as Leo nuzzled the side of my neck. “Stop it,” I laughed as we walked towards the front of my father’s house.

Leo and I had had an oddly wonderful day together in bed exploring one another’s bodies in a way we had not before. Even now, I was deliciously sore from everything that we had done between the sheets.

“If you keep it up, my father is going to think that we actually like one another.”

He chuckled before pressing his lips to my mine in a quick kiss.

“Let’s do this,” I said, as I rang the doorbell.

I expected someone to open the door right away. There was nothing my grandmother hated more than what she deemed as lazy staff, and everyone knew in the house that if they wanted to keep their job then they would jump when it was expected that they jump.

But no one came.

“What the hell?” I muttered, before pressing the bell again. When another minute passed without anyone coming, I turned to Leo. “We were supposed to meet here tonight, right?”

He nodded. “That’s what your father said.”

I rolled my eyes and turned the knob. There was security on the premises, so the door was often not locked, and tonight was no different.

There was something eerie about the entrance. It didn’t look any different than normal, but I could feel the small hairs on my arm sticking up as I walked inside. “Let’s go to the drawing room,” I said. “They are probably in there.”

Despite the dread in my stomach, I walked further into the house. There was nothing to signal that there was anything wrong.

But as I walked further and further into the house, the feeling did not go away. Something was just…off.

“Katarina—” I felt Leo grab my arm before we turned the corner that would bring us back into the drawing room.

I gasped and covered my mouth. Slumped against the wall was the maid, and from the splatter of red behind her, she was dead.

Leo immediately turned to me. “Run,” he mouthed.

I turned to do just that, operating on instinct only. But as I did, I heard the click of a gun. “Don’t think about it.”

I stiffened and turned slightly to see a woman that had haunted my dreams my entire life.

“Elena,” Leo’s voice was emotionless, but he was gripping my hand so tightly that I worried he was going to crush my fingers. “What are you doing?”

My mother was leveling a gun at us. “Come in the drawing room,” she ordered, not answering Leo’s question.

Neither of us moved.

“Now!” she ordered.

I looked down, and I realized there was a little boy clinging to her. His face was white as sheet, and I realized that this was Matthew. My nephew.

“Leo.” I nudged him. Something told me that Matthew was my mother’s collateral.

I walked forward, my heels clanging against the wooden floor. I was practically pulling Leo with me.

As I walked into the drawing room, I was surprised to see not just my father, but my cousin, my half-sister, and Isaac.

Fuck, I thought to myself. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Does anyone want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” Leo asked.

“Language,” my mother scolded. “There is a child in the room.”