Page 81 of Mafia Maiden

Isaac released a small snort before he grabbed one of the small sandwiches that I had prepared.

“I have a proposal for you.”

His brow rose. “Really?”

I nodded. I did not trust Isaac to stay quiet about this. The chip on his shoulder was a mile wide, and he had everything that he needed to take his brother down. There was a small window where the Bratva would be stable after my father’s death, but since he had never made an heir known, there was a chance for war to break out within the family.

Someone would need to fill the power vacuum.

“Everyone believes that Leo will be in charge soon.”

“Not if you disclose what you know.”

Isaac said nothing, but he did not need to. His silence was all that I needed.

“What is it that you think you have that I’ll want?” Isaac asked. He popped another sandwich into his mouth. “That is what you are asking, isn’t it? How can you buy my silence.”

My hands were under the table, and I could feel them shaking. My mouth was dry, and I knew that once I spoke the words that were on the tip of my tongue, I would not be able to change things.

That would be it.

I would be signing my death warrant. Because without Leo, I worried that I would end up like my mother. Broken and insane.

But if that was what it took to keep Leo safe, I would do it.

“I’m offering you me, and with me, you’ll be Pakhan.” I leaned forward. “I will be your wife, and you will be Pakhan. You’ll have everything that you’ll ever want, but you’ll be silent about Madeline, Leo, and Matthew for the rest of your life.”

The smile on Isaac’s face made my blood turn cold. “Well,” he said. “That’s an offer that I can’t refuse.”