Page 57 of Mafia Prince

Ivy stiffened. She was getting more and more upset. I’d only known her for a short amount of time, but I’d learned the signs, and I knew that when she was upset, her mouth tended to move before she could think to stop it.

“You heard what I said.” I pushed Ivy slightly back from my body, so that she wasn’t in the doorway. “Talk to our lawyer.”

It was the last thing I said before I slammed the door shut. I turned to look at Ivy. Her normally pale skin was the color of snow.

“They aren’t going to stop,” she said.

“You’re right.” I wasn’t going to mince words. “The NYPD has a vendetta against me.”

“Because you escaped a murder charge already?” I was surprised that Ivy knew about all of that, even though I shouldn’t have been. Dom had run a whole background check on Ivy. It was only natural that she would have done her own Google search.

I ignored the question. “We are going to need to move up the wedding. They aren’t going to stop until they get you down to the station.”

“Move up the wedding?” Ivy asked.

I nodded. “If we are married, they can’t use anything you might say against me. You wouldn’t have to testify at all.”

Ivy rolled her eyes. The color was starting to return to her face. “I’m aware of that. It’s why I’m here after all.”

I threw my hands up. “Then, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that you still obviously think that I would tell the police something. I wouldn’t, and I think that I’ve proven that.” Ivy’s green eyes narrowed, and I could tell that she was irritated.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. I wasn’t going to lie to her, not about this. “I don’t trust that you won’t give them something that they could use against me and my family.”

It was the wrong thing to say. Ivy threw her hands up in frustration and walked off towards the living room. I followed behind her. She was grabbing her bags and started towards the stairs.

“Where the fuck are you going?” I snapped. Today, was not going how I’d imagined. I thought that I might come home for a bit of a nooner, not to the police banging down my door, and my fiancé pissed off.

Ivy turned around. Her curls whipping around. “I can’t fucking believe that you think that I would betray you. You’ve done everything you could to make sure that I wouldn’t. And if my word isn’t enough, which it clearly isn’t, know this…” Ivy stepped towards me, fire in her eyes. “I would never jeopardize Mikey’s treatment by betraying you. By aligning yourself to my brother, you’ve tied me to you in ways that are deeper than marriage could ever be.”

Ivy was fierce as she spoke. Her creamy skin was flushed, and her breasts, which were hidden by the ugliest sweater I’d ever seen, were heaving up and down.

It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I didn’t think much of it. I just reached out and grabbed her by the back of the neck, pulling her towards me. Our lips smashed together violently. Ivy tried to resist me, but I held her close to my body until she became more pliant.

Ivy dropped her bags, and they hit the floor with a loud thud. Our tongues volleyed for dominance. Ivy’s teeth grabbed onto my bottom lip, and she pulled slightly. I hissed as the pain pleasure zipped down to my dick.

I yanked Ivy’s braid exposing her neck to my lips which slid down the column of her throat. Ivy released a moan and her fingers tangled themselves in my hair. I smiled. Ivy always started out fighting me, but by the end, I knew that she was going to comply with me.

I pulled away just enough to grab the hem of her shirt. I ripped it up over her head, exposing her bra. It was a concoction of black lace that barely covered her nipples. “A relic from your stripper days?” I asked.

My hands reached up, and I brushed my fingers against her rose colored nipples.

“Fuck you,” Ivy bit out.

I chuckled. “In a minute.”

I knew that Ivy wanted to bash me in the head with the lamp that was only ten feet away, but I also knew that’s she remembered last night just as much as I did. Reaching behind her, I slipped my fingers under the snaps of her bra and unclipped them, allowing her magnificent breasts to bounce out.

“Beautiful,” I said before capturing one of her nipples in my mouth. Ivy moaned loudly and her finger tightened in my hair. Her leg wrapped around my thigh and she rubbed herself against me. She was wearing a thin black skirt, and I could practically smell the sweetness of her arousal.

I maneuvered us towards the edge of the stair, placing her on the edge of one to give myself better leverage. Ivy wasn’t an inactive participant. Her small hand slid down my chest and into my pants. She grabbed my cock out of my boxers, and I moaned against her skin as she worked her hands over me.

“Fuck,” I moaned as I pulled away from her. Her nipple was glistening, and her chest was rising and falling as she breathed heavily. “You are so damn responsive.” I looked over at her wanting to capture this moment in my memory.

“I want you to fuck me,” she commanded.

I raised a brow. I wasn’t the type of man who took orders from women, even in the bedroom. My hands traced themselves up her thighs. I could feel the stickiness of her arousal. We’d only been at this for a few minutes, but Ivy was already soaked. This boded very well for our future together.