Page 51 of Mafia Prince

Ivy’s breathed heavily. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ivy’s breasts rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.

Normally, this would be the time when I kicked whatever woman I was sleeping with out of the bed. I didn’t normally have them in my house to begin with. Whenever I wanted pussy, I went out to get it. But, this was different. Ivy was going to be my wife, even though I hadn’t been planning to be married at any point in my life. Unlike my brother Dom, I was going to make sure that Ivy was my wife in all ways that mattered. If not, I would be leaving her open to danger.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

Ivy laughed and ran a hand through her hair. Her dark curls were stuck to her face, and she looked wild.

“I’m fine.” I raised a brow at the tone of her voice. “I am,” she assured me. She reached down and grabbed the blanket that she had kicked off when she woke up in the bed with me.

“I guess you are fine sleeping in the bed with me.” I couldn’t stop myself from poking some fun at her, especially considering what we’d just done. Thirty minutes ago she’d been cussing me out for daring to sleep in the same bed as her. Now, we were coming down off of what had been an amazing orgasm.

Ivy rolled her eyes and suppressed a yawn. I would have been offended if I didn’t know how tired she was. “I’m too tired to argue with you.” She snuggled down into the comforter. I wanted to reach out and wrap my arm around her, but I didn’t.

In Ivy’s mind we were strangers in an unpleasant and unique circumstance. It would take her time to realize that if she was going to be my wife, she would be expected to be a wife in all of the ways it meant to be one.

For now though, I was content to just lay next to her. Soon enough, Ivy would understand her role in my life, and it wasn’t going to be the one that she expected.