Page 69 of Mafia Prince

Chapter Twenty-Seven

My heart was thumping hard in my chest, and I worried for a moment that I was going to have a heart-attack. That certainly would put a damper on the wedding.

As I stood in the doorway of Dom and Sasha’s foyer, I was surprised to see so many people surrounding the aisle. The only one I recognized was Sasha. She had just gotten to her feet, and she was smiling as I made my way into the doorway.

Nikki was walking down the aisle, and as she neared the top, I felt myself growing more and more nervous. I could see Marco, but his view of me was obstructed by Nikki. I could tell from the way his dark eyes were looking past her head, that he was anxious to see me.

“Are you ready?” Mikey asked. The music changed, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach starting to erupt.

Mikey walked forward, and I followed. I was trying my best to make sure that I didn’t trip over the hem of the long gown. The simple fabric hugged my body, and as I stepped into view, I could tell from the way Marco’s eyes looked me up and down, that he liked the dress.

A part of me was glad. I hadn’t had much time to worry about whether Marco would like the dress or not. I was glad to see from the sparkle in his eyes that he did.

With Marco’s eyes on me, everything else melted away as I walked towards him. He looked amazing in his black tuxedo, and a part of me couldn’t wait to see what would happen on our wedding night. My cheeks reddened as I thought about all of the things that we’d already done.

“Who gives this woman to this man?” the priest asked as we got to the top of the aisle. Marco stepped forward, ready to take my arm from Mikey.

“Do you mind if I take over here, little man?” Marco asked.

Mikey stood up a little taller even though I knew that he was likely exhausted from walking so far without the assistance of his cane or wheelchair. He wasn’t going to let it show. Not in front of Marco.

“You better take care of my sister,” he said. His words were stern, and they took me by surprise.

Marco looked at Mikey with kind eyes. He placed a large hand on Mikey’s shoulder. “I’ll keep her safe,” he said. “I promise.” His eyes collided with him when he spoke, and I knew that he wasn't just making a promise to Mikey, but also to me.

Mikey pulled my hand over to Marco’s. I reached back towards him before he could go and take a seat. “I love you,” I told him and squeezed his hand. The tips of his ears turned red, and I knew that he was embarrassed. I didn’t care.

“Please be seated,” the priest said.

I couldn’t figure out how Sasha got a Catholic priest to show up at the eleventh hour to perform a marriage in her living room, but I wasn’t going to question it. I just hoped that her husband recognized that his wife was an incredible force of nature.

The priest went on and on about love, soulmates, and God. I stopped paying attention when the sermon started. Instead, I focused on Marco. His eyes were glazed over, but I could tell he was doing his best to pay attention to what was being said.

I wanted to chuckle. Despite being wildly different, in some ways we were the same. Marco was the type of man who let his darkness seep out. It bled into every part of him until it seemed that he was covered in it. But, in the short time we’d known one another, I’d seen another side of him. He loved his family. He would do anything for them. I understood that.

I glanced over at Mikey. He was my world, and if I had to, I would burn anyone and anything down to protect him. Just like Marco would.

I wasn’t naïve. Marco wasn’t a good man. He was far from it, and I knew, wife or not, that if I threatened his brother he would end me, just like he tried to at the club. My hand itched to stray back towards my neck.

But I also knew that Marco would protect me too. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t have to navigate the world alone, and the thought filled me with some peace. Marco might be a monster, but he was on my side.

“Do you, Ivy Hope, take Marco Blanchi to be your wedded husband?” the priest asked, bring my attention back to the matter at hand.

Marco had taken my hand. A thin, silver ring was poised on my ring finger, and I knew the moment I said I do, he would slide it down, and there’d be no going back.

My eyes caught Alex’s. He’d been the first person to offer me a way out of the mafia. He’d wanted to save me from the life he knew that I would lead—one of violence and fear.

“I do,” I said, my voice stronger than it should have been considering how I felt.

Marco smirked and slid the ring down my finger.

I’d made up my mind. Marco Blanchi was my future. Till death do we part.